import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import reactRefresh from '@vitejs/plugin-react-refresh' import dynamicImportVars from '@rollup/plugin-dynamic-import-vars' import legacyPlugin from '@vitejs/plugin-legacy' import visualizer from 'rollup-plugin-visualizer' import path from 'path' // 区分环境设置。用来打包和测试环境发布的相关 // const env = process.argv[process.argv.length - 1] // const base = config[env] // 关联cdn相关配置 // 官方提供的打包按需 import vitePluginImp from 'vite-plugin-imp' // import _ from 'lodash-es' // import $ from 'jquery' // export default defineConfig({ // base: base.cdn base: './', // index.html文件所在位置 root: './', // js导入的资源路径,src define: { 'process.env.REACT_APP_IS_LOCAL': "'true'", // 'globalThis': { // // _: _, // jquery: $, // $: $ // }, 'global': 'globalThis' }, build: { minify: 'terser', // 是否进行压缩,boolean | 'terser' | 'esbuild',默认使用terser manifest: false, // 是否产出maifest.json sourcemap: false, // 是否产出soucemap.json outDir: 'dist', // 产出目录 assetsInlineLimit: 1024, cssCodeSplit: true, rollupOptions: { //按需加载 plugins: [visualizer()], output: { manualChunks(id) { if (id.includes('node_modules')) { return id.toString().split('node_modules/')[1].split('/')[0].toString() } } } } }, plugins: [ reactRefresh(), legacyPlugin({ targets: [ 'Android > 39', 'Chrome >= 60', 'Safari >= 10.1', 'iOS >= 10.3', 'Firefox >= 54', 'Edge >= 15' ] }), dynamicImportVars({ include: ['tsx'], warnOnError: true }), vitePluginImp({ libList: [ // 暂时还没有 { libName: 'antd', style: (name) => `antd/lib/${name}/style/index.less` } ] }) ], css: { preprocessorOptions: { scss: { additionalData: `$injectedColor: orange;` }, less: { javascriptEnabled: true } }, modules: { // 样式小驼峰转化, //css: goods-list => tsx: goodsList localsConvention: 'camelCase' } }, esbuild: { // jsxFactory: 'h', // jsxFragment: 'Fragment' }, resolve: { alias: { '~': path.resolve(__dirname, './ '), // 根路径 '@': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'), 'components': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/components') }, extensions: ['.js', '.ts', '.tsx', '.jsx', '.mjs'] }, server: { proxy: { // 字符串简写方式 //'/apit': 'http://localhost:9000', // 选项写法 '/api': { target: '', // 所要代理的目标地址 // target: '', // 所要代理的目标地址 rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/api/, ''), // 重写传过来的path路径,比如 `/api/index/1?id=10&name=zs`(注意:path路径最前面有斜杠(/),因此,正则匹配的时候不要忘了是斜杠(/)开头的;选项的 key 也是斜杠(/)开头的) changeOrigin: true // true/false, Default: false - changes the origin of the host header to the target URL } }, hmr: { overlay: false } } }) // export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => { // if (command === 'serve') { // return { // // serve 独有配置 // } // } else { // return { // // build 独有配置 // } // } // })