import copy import math import pickle import re from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List import numpy as np # result 对象 # box: np.ndarray # txt: str # conf: float @dataclass class OcrResult(object): box: np.ndarray txt: str conf: float def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __repr__(self): return f'txt: {self.txt}, box: {}, conf: {self.conf}' @property def ltrb(self): l, t = np.min(, 0) r, b = np.max(, 0) return [l, t, r, b] def lt(self): l, t = np.min(, 0) return [l, t] @property def wh(self): l, t = self.ltrb[:2] r, b = self.ltrb[2:] return [r - l, b - t] @property def center(self): l, t = self.ltrb[:2] r, b = self.ltrb[2:] return [(r + l) / 2, (b + t) / 2] # 共需要识别6个字段 # 4: 姓名 出生地 籍贯 身份证号(性别) # 1: 血型 信仰 class RanksParser(object): def __init__(self, res: List): self.col_fields = None self.row_fields = None Or = [] for r in res: # box: np.ndarray | txt: str | conf: float _r = OcrResult(np.array(r[0]), r[1][0], r[1][1]) Or.append(_r) self.ocr_res = Or del_index = [] for _r in Or: if '常驻' in _r.txt or '常住' in _r.txt or '人口' in _r.txt or '口登' in _r.txt or '记卡' in _r.txt: title_t = _r.ltrb[1] - self.mean_h_esp * 0.3 title_b = _r.ltrb[3] + self.mean_h_esp * 0.3 for _r_k, _r_v in enumerate(Or): if len(_r_v.txt) == 1 and _r_v == '美': del_index.append(_r_k) if title_t <[1] < title_b: del_index.append(_r_k) break for k, i in enumerate(del_index): del Or[i - k] self.ocr_res = Or @property def confidence(self): return np.mean([r.conf for r in self.ocr_res]) @property def center_five_row(self): boxs = [] for row in self.ocr_res: boxs.extend( boxs = np.stack(boxs) l, t = np.min(boxs, 0) r, b = np.max(boxs, 0) five = (b - t) / 5 return [t+five, b-five] @property def mean_h_esp(self): """ 由框的平均高度 获取esp """ esps = [r.wh[1] for r in self.ocr_res] return np.mean(esps) @property def anchor(self) -> OcrResult: """ 获取锚点:身份证号 """ pass @staticmethod def merger_or(or_a, or_b): """ 合并两个框 """ or_a.txt += or_b.txt l, t = np.min(np.min([,], 0), 0) r, b = np.max(np.max([,], 0), 0) return OcrResult(np.array([[l, t], [r, t], [r, b], [l, b]]), or_a.txt, or_a.conf) # 获得 r 左上角的xy坐标 def get_xy(self, r: OcrResult): return [r.ltrb[0], r.ltrb[1]] def all_required_fields(self, eps): """ 获取所有需要的字段 :return: """ # 添加 位于 anc 右侧的 字段 # 简单的合并两个OcrResult def get_one_line(anc, field): # 获取处于anc行 且 在field右侧 的字段 result = [] anc_field = None en = re.compile(u'[\u0041-\u005a+\u0061-\u007a]') for r in self.ocr_res: if '型' in r.txt and ''.join(re.findall(en, r.txt)): r.txt = '血型' + ''.join(re.findall(en, r.txt))[0] + '型' return r if '不' in r.txt and '不便' not in r.txt: r.txt = '血型不明' return r if anc_field is None and field in r.txt and r.ltrb[0] - anc.ltrb[2] > 0: # 在anc 右侧找到 标志txt anc_field = r result.append(anc_field) for j in self.ocr_res: if anc_field and abs(j.ltrb[1] - anc.ltrb[1]) < self.mean_h_esp * 0.8 and \ (j.ltrb[0] - anc_field.ltrb[2] > 0 or abs(j.ltrb[0] - anc_field.ltrb[2]) < 15): # anc_field 找到后 & r不在result & r在anc同一行 & r在anc_field右侧 result.append(j) if len(result) == 0: return for res in result[1:]: if res.txt in result[0].txt: continue result[0] = self.merger_or(result[0], res) box = result[0].box box[0][1] = anc.ltrb[1] box[1][1] = anc.ltrb[1] return OcrResult(box, result[0].txt, result[0].conf) def grt_row_up(anc: OcrResult): result = [] for r in self.ocr_res: if "天主教" in r.txt: r.txt = '宗教信仰是天主教' return r if '无宗教' in r.txt or '无亲教' in r.txt: r.txt = '宗教信仰是无宗教信仰' return r if "无" in r.txt and len(r.txt) < 3 and[1] -[1] > 0: r.txt = '宗教信仰是无' return r if anc and(abs(r.ltrb[0] - anc.ltrb[0]) < self.mean_h_esp * 0.8 and r.ltrb[1] - anc.ltrb[1] < 0): # 宗教信仰在上一行 在血型不能太 result.append(r) if anc: if len(result) == 0: txt = '宗教信仰是' return OcrResult(, txt, anc.conf) for _r in result: if '宗' in _r.txt or '教' in _r.txt or '信' in _r.txt or '仰' in _r.txt: _r.txt = '宗教信仰是' + _r.txt return _r txt = '宗教信仰是' return OcrResult(, txt, anc.conf) # 剔除曾用名 def del_former_name(fields): del fields[1] return fields[1] # 剔除常住人口登记卡附近火星文 anchor_xy = self.get_xy(self.anchor) # 行 row_fields = [self.anchor] for row in self.ocr_res: if abs(row.ltrb[1] - anchor_xy[1]) < eps and row.ltrb[0] - anchor_xy[0] > 0: row_fields.append(row) anchor_xy = self.get_xy(row) continue row_fields = sorted(row_fields, key=lambda x: [x.ltrb[1], x.ltrb[0]]) # 列 - 姓名、出生地、籍贯 col_fields = [self.anchor] for col in self.ocr_res: if '常' in col.txt or '住' in col.txt or '人' in col.txt or '口' in col.txt: continue if '农业家' in col.txt or '户' in col.txt or '姓名' in col.txt or '出生地' in col.txt or '居民' in col.txt: continue if ('户' in col.txt or '性' in col.txt or '民' in col.txt or '出' in col.txt) and abs([0] - self.anchor.ltrb[2]) < 20: continue # 处理 名xxx 错误 if (self.anchor.ltrb[0] <[0] < self.anchor.ltrb[2] or self.anchor.ltrb[0] < col.ltrb[2] < self.anchor.ltrb[2]) and \ self.mean_h_esp * 12.6 >[1] -[1] > self.mean_h_esp * 3: col_fields.append(col) self.get_xy(col) if len(col.txt) < 5 and col.txt[0] == '名': col.txt = col.txt.split('名')[-1] col_fields.append(col) continue col_fields = sorted(col_fields, key=lambda x: [x.ltrb[1], x.ltrb[0]]) # 检测曾用名 if len(col_fields[1].txt) < 5: del_former_name(col_fields) # 整合住址 col_fields = self.merge_address(col_fields) # 添加 血型(anchor ->身份证号) if get_one_line(self.anchor, '血'): col_fields.append(get_one_line(self.anchor, '血')) # 添加 宗教(anchor -> 身份证号) if grt_row_up(get_one_line(self.anchor, '血')): col_fields.append(grt_row_up(get_one_line(self.anchor, '血'))) return [row_fields, col_fields] # 整合地址 def merge_address(self, fields: List[OcrResult]): id_index = 0 fields_on_id = [] for r in range(len(fields)): code_val = re.findall("\d{10,18}", fields[r].txt) if len(code_val): id_index = r fields_on_id = fields[:id_index] break # 对兴安盟科尔做特殊处理 for add in fields_on_id: if '兴安盟科尔' in add.txt: num = 1 for add_k, add_v in enumerate(self.ocr_res): if '前' in add_v.txt: fields_on_id[num].txt = '内蒙古兴安盟科尔沁右翼前旗' + add_v.txt.split('旗')[-1] num += 1 if '中' in add_v.txt: fields_on_id[num].txt = '内蒙古兴安盟科尔沁右翼中旗' + add_v.txt.split('旗')[-1] num += 1 if '后' in add_v.txt: fields_on_id[num].txt = '内蒙古兴安盟科尔沁右翼后旗' + add_v.txt.split('旗')[-1] num += 1 if num > 2: return fields_on_id + fields[id_index:] # 地址多行三种情况 if len(fields_on_id) == 2: fields_on_id.append(fields_on_id[1]) return fields_on_id + fields[id_index:] if len(fields_on_id) == 3: # 正常地址 return fields_on_id + fields[id_index:] if len(fields_on_id) == 4: # 出生地多行 或者 籍贯多行 if len(fields_on_id[-1].txt) < 7: # 籍贯多行 fields_on_id[-2] = self.merger_or(fields_on_id[-2], fields_on_id[-1]) del fields_on_id[-1] else: # 出生地多行 fields_on_id[1] = self.merger_or(fields_on_id[1], fields_on_id[2]) del fields_on_id[2] return fields_on_id + fields[id_index:] if len(fields_on_id) == 5: # 出生地 籍贯 都多行 fields_on_id[1] = self.merger_or(fields_on_id[1], fields_on_id[2]) fields_on_id[-2] = self.merger_or(fields_on_id[-2], fields_on_id[-1]) del fields_on_id[2] del fields_on_id[-1] return fields_on_id + fields[id_index:] def parse(self, eps=5.0): """ 解析所有字段 :return: """ ranks_fields: List = self.all_required_fields(eps) # ranks_fields = [sorted(ranks_fields[0], key=lambda x: [x.ltrb[1], x.ltrb[0]]), # sorted(ranks_fields[1], key=lambda x: [x.ltrb[1], x.ltrb[0]])] return ranks_fields def all_required_fields_f(self, eps): def merge_address(fields: List[OcrResult]): if len(fields) == 1: # 正常地址 return fields if len(fields) == 2: # 两行地址 box = fields[0].box txt = fields[0].txt + fields[1].txt conf = fields[0].conf fields[0] = (OcrResult(box, txt, conf)) return fields def zero_ocr(): return OcrResult(np.zeros((4, 2)), '', 0.) anchor_xy = self.get_xy(self.anchor) # 行 -> 住址 row_fields = [] for row in self.ocr_res: if len(row.txt) == 1 or ('住址' in row.txt and len(row.txt) < 7): continue if len(row_fields) == 0 and len(row.txt) < 6: continue if abs(row.ltrb[1] - anchor_xy[1]) < self.mean_h_esp * 1.5 \ and[0] -[0] > self.anchor.wh[0] * 0.8: row_fields.append(row) # if self.anchor.ltrb[1] <[1] < self.anchor.ltrb[3] \ # and[0] -[0] > 0: # row_fields.append(row) if len(row_fields) == 0: row_fields.append(zero_ocr()) merge_address(row_fields) # 列 -> 户别 col_fields = [] for col in self.ocr_res: if not col_fields and len(col.txt) == 1: continue # if abs(col.ltrb[0] - anchor_xy[0]) < eps + 40. and col.ltrb[1] - anchor_xy[1] < 0 \ # and col.ltrb[2] > self.anchor.ltrb[0]: if self.anchor.ltrb[0] <[0] < self.anchor.ltrb[2] \ and self.anchor.ltrb[1] >[1] > self.mean_h_esp * 1.5: col_fields.append(col) if not col_fields: col_fields.append(zero_ocr()) return [row_fields, col_fields] def parse_f(self, eps=5.0): """ 解析所有字段 :return: """ return False if self.anchor is False else self.all_required_fields_f(eps) # 子类 常驻人口页0 class PeopleParser(RanksParser): def __init__(self, res: OcrResult): super(PeopleParser, self).__init__(res) @property def anchor(self): for r in self.ocr_res: txt = r.txt if "X" in txt or "x" in txt: code_val = re.findall("\d*[X|x]", txt) else: code_val = re.findall("\d{10,18}", txt) if len(code_val) > 0 and (len(code_val[0]) == 18 or len(code_val[0]) > 10) and \ self.center_five_row[0] <[1] < self.center_five_row[1]: return OcrResult(, code_val[0], r.conf) raise Exception("没有找到身份证号") def parse(self, eps=5.0): return super(PeopleParser, self).parse(eps) # 子类 户口本首页1 class FrontParser(RanksParser): def __init__(self, res: OcrResult): super(FrontParser, self).__init__(res) @property def anchor(self): # sourcery skip: merge-nested-ifs, reintroduce-else, remove-redundant-continue res = self.ocr_res code_val = [] for r in res: txt = r.txt.replace('-', '') if bool(re.findall("\d{5,12}", txt)): # if bool(re.findall(u"[\u4e00-\u9fa5]", txt)): continue code_val.append(r) if len(code_val) == 1: return code_val[0] elif len(code_val) > 1: return code_val[1] # 空间解析失败 换字符串解析 else: return False def parse_f(self, eps=5.0): return super(FrontParser, self).parse_f(eps)