Browse Source

feat: word_break

Zhang Li 1 year ago
4 changed files with 155 additions and 2 deletions
  1. 2 1
  2. 69 0
  3. 2 1
  4. 82 0

+ 2 - 1

@@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ mod generate_parentheses;
 mod subsets2;
 mod restore_ip_addresses;
 mod surrounded_regions;
-mod gas_station;
+mod gas_station;
+mod word_break;

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+struct Solution;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+impl Solution {
+    pub fn word_break(s: String, word_dict: Vec<String>) -> bool {
+        let m: HashSet<String> = word_dict.into_iter().collect();
+        Solution::helper(&s[..], &m, s.len(), 0, 1)
+    }
+    fn helper(s: &str, word_dict: &HashSet<String>, n: usize, begin: usize, end: usize) -> bool {
+        if n == end {
+            if word_dict.contains(&s[begin..end].to_string()) {
+                return true;
+            } else {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        if word_dict.contains(&s[begin..end].to_string()) {
+            if Solution::helper(s, word_dict, n, end, end + 1) {
+                return true;
+            } else {
+                if Solution::helper(s, word_dict, n, begin, end + 1) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            if Solution::helper(s, word_dict, n, begin, end + 1) {
+                return true
+            }
+        }
+        false
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use super::*;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_word_break() {
+        let s = String::from("applepenapple");
+        let word_dict = vec!["apple","pen"];
+        let word_dict = word_dict.into_iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>();
+        let res = Solution::word_break(s, word_dict);
+        assert_eq!(res, true);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_word_break2() {
+        let s = String::from("aaaaaaa");
+        let word_dict = vec!["aaaa","aaa"];
+        let word_dict = word_dict.into_iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>();
+        let res = Solution::word_break(s, word_dict);
+        assert_eq!(res, true);
+    }

+ 2 - 1

@@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ mod best_time_to_buy_and_sell_stock2;
 mod best_time_to_buy_and_sell_stock3;
 mod palindrome_partitioning;
 mod palindrome_partitioning2;
-mod candy;
+mod candy;
+mod word_break;

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+struct Solution;
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+impl Solution {
+    pub fn word_break(s: String, word_dict: Vec<String>) -> bool {
+        let mut min_length = usize::MAX;
+        let mut max_length = 0;
+        let mut word_dict_2 = HashSet::new();
+        for w in word_dict {
+            let l = w.len();
+            if l < min_length { min_length = l; }
+            if l > max_length { max_length = l; }
+            word_dict_2.insert(w);
+        }
+        let mut dp = HashMap::new();
+        Solution::helper(s.clone(), &word_dict_2, &mut dp, 0, s.len(), min_length, max_length)
+    }
+    fn helper(s: String, word_dict: &HashSet<String>, dp: &mut HashMap<(usize, usize), bool>, i: usize, j: usize, min_length: usize, max_length: usize) -> bool {
+        if dp.contains_key(&(i, j)) {
+            return *dp.get(&(i, j)).unwrap();
+        }
+        if word_dict.contains(&s[i..j].to_string()) {
+            dp.insert((i, j), true);
+            return true;
+        }
+        let mut res = false;
+        for k in i+1..j {
+            if j - k > max_length { continue; }
+            if j - k < min_length { continue; }
+            res = res || (Solution::helper(s.clone(), word_dict, dp, k, j, min_length, max_length) && Solution::helper(s.clone(), word_dict, dp, i, k, min_length, max_length));
+            if res {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        dp.insert((i, j), res);
+        res
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use super::*;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_word_break() {
+        let s = String::from("applepenapple");
+        let word_dict = vec!["apple","pen"];
+        let word_dict = word_dict.into_iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>();
+        let res = Solution::word_break(s, word_dict);
+        assert_eq!(res, true);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_word_break2() {
+        let s = String::from("aaaaaaa");
+        let word_dict = vec!["aaaa","aaa"];
+        let word_dict = word_dict.into_iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>();
+        let res = Solution::word_break(s, word_dict);
+        assert_eq!(res, true);
+    }