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This property is required for authentication type KUBERNETES_SECRET.", "type": "string", "uihints": { "secure": true, "category": "Cloud Object Storage" } }, "cos_username": { "title": "Cloud Object Storage Username", "description": "The Cloud Object Storage username. This property is required for authentication type USER_CREDENTIALS and KUBERNETES_SECRET.", "type": "string", "uihints": { "category": "Cloud Object Storage" } }, "cos_password": { "title": "Cloud Object Storage Password", "description": "The Cloud Object Storage password. This property is required for authentication type USER_CREDENTIALS and KUBERNETES_SECRET.", "type": "string", "minLength": 8, "uihints": { "secure": true, "category": "Cloud Object Storage" } }, "tags": { "title": "Tags", "description": "Tags for categorizing Apache Airflow", "uniqueItems": true, "type": "array", "items": { "allOf": [ { "minLength": 1 }, { "pattern": "^[^ \t]+" }, { "pattern": "[^ \t]+$" } ] }, "uihints": { "field_type": "tags" } } }, "required": [ "api_endpoint", "cos_endpoint", "cos_auth_type", "cos_bucket", "github_api_endpoint", "github_branch", "github_repo_token", "github_repo" ] } }, "required": ["schema_name", "display_name", "metadata"] }