### Elyra Docker Image - Kubeflow Notebooks This `Dockerfile` is used to build an Elyra notebook image that can be launched by [Kubeflow's Notebook Server](https://www.kubeflow.org/docs/components/notebooks/). Ready-to-use container images are published on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/elyra/kf-notebook) and [quay.io](https://quay.io/repository/elyra/kf-notebook). Refer to [the documentation](https://elyra.readthedocs.io/en/latest/recipes/using-elyra-with-kubeflow-notebook-server.html) for details. #### Building a custom container image To build a custom version of this container image: 1. Clone this repository 2. Build the image using the `Dockerfile` or `Dockerfile.dev`: - (Option 1) In the repository root directory run `make kf-notebook-image TAG=3.X.X` to build with Elyra version `3.X.X` - (Option 2) In the repository root directory run `make kf-notebook-image TAG=dev` to build with Elyra from your local source 3. The container image is automatically tagged with `elyra/kf-notebook:$TAG` and `quay.io/elyra/kf-notebook:$TAG`