123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689 |
- #
- # Copyright 2018-2022 Elyra Authors
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- #
- import asyncio
- from collections import OrderedDict
- import json
- from operator import itemgetter
- import os
- from pathlib import Path
- import sys
- from typing import Optional
- import warnings
- import click
- from colorama import Fore
- from colorama import Style
- from kfp import Client as ArgoClient
- from elyra._version import __version__
- from elyra.metadata.manager import MetadataManager
- from elyra.metadata.schema import SchemaManager
- from elyra.metadata.schemaspaces import Runtimes
- from elyra.pipeline import pipeline_constants
- from elyra.pipeline.component_catalog import ComponentCache
- from elyra.pipeline.kfp.kfp_authentication import AuthenticationError
- from elyra.pipeline.kfp.kfp_authentication import KFPAuthenticator
- from elyra.pipeline.parser import PipelineParser
- from elyra.pipeline.pipeline_definition import Pipeline
- from elyra.pipeline.pipeline_definition import PipelineDefinition
- from elyra.pipeline.processor import PipelineProcessorManager
- from elyra.pipeline.processor import PipelineProcessorResponse
- from elyra.pipeline.runtime_type import RuntimeProcessorType
- from elyra.pipeline.runtime_type import RuntimeTypeResources
- from elyra.pipeline.runtimes_metadata import RuntimesMetadata
- from elyra.pipeline.validation import PipelineValidationManager
- from elyra.pipeline.validation import ValidationSeverity
- if sys.stdout.isatty():
- from yaspin import yaspin as Spinner
- else:
- from .pipeline_app_utils import StaticTextSpinner as Spinner
- # custom exit code - a timeout occurred
- ValidationSeverity.Error: "Error",
- ValidationSeverity.Warning: "Warning",
- ValidationSeverity.Hint: "Hint",
- ValidationSeverity.Information: "Information",
- }
- def _get_runtime_config(runtime_config_name: Optional[str]) -> Optional[RuntimesMetadata]:
- """Fetch runtime configuration for the specified name"""
- if not runtime_config_name or runtime_config_name == "local":
- # No runtime configuration was specified or it is local.
- # Cannot use metadata manager to determine the runtime type.
- return None
- try:
- metadata_manager = MetadataManager(schemaspace=Runtimes.RUNTIMES_SCHEMASPACE_NAME)
- return metadata_manager.get(runtime_config_name)
- except Exception as e:
- raise click.ClickException(f"Invalid runtime configuration: {runtime_config_name}\n {e}")
- def _get_runtime_type(runtime_config_name: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
- """Get runtime type for the provided runtime configuration name"""
- runtime_config = _get_runtime_config(runtime_config_name)
- if runtime_config:
- return runtime_config.metadata.get("runtime_type")
- return None
- def _get_runtime_schema_name(runtime_config_name: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
- """Get runtime schema name for the provided runtime configuration name"""
- if not runtime_config_name or runtime_config_name == "local":
- # No runtime configuration was specified or it is local.
- # Cannot use metadata manager to determine the runtime type.
- return "local"
- runtime_config = _get_runtime_config(runtime_config_name)
- if runtime_config:
- return runtime_config.schema_name
- return None
- def _get_runtime_display_name(schema_name: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
- """Return the display name for the specified runtime schema_name"""
- if not schema_name or schema_name == "local":
- # No schame name was specified or it is local.
- # Cannot use metadata manager to determine the display name.
- return schema_name
- try:
- schema_manager = SchemaManager.instance()
- schema = schema_manager.get_schema(Runtimes.RUNTIMES_SCHEMASPACE_NAME, schema_name)
- return schema["display_name"]
- except Exception as e:
- raise click.ClickException(f"Invalid runtime configuration: {schema_name}\n {e}")
- def _get_pipeline_runtime_type(pipeline_definition: dict) -> Optional[str]:
- """Return the runtime type name associated with the given pipeline"""
- return pipeline_definition.get("pipelines", [{}])[0].get("app_data", {}).get("runtime_type")
- def _validate_pipeline_runtime(primary_pipeline: Pipeline, runtime: str) -> bool:
- """
- Generic pipelines do not have a persisted runtime type, and can be run on any runtime
- Runtime specific pipeline have a runtime type, and can only be run on matching runtime
- """
- is_valid = True
- if runtime: # Only perform validation if a target runtime has been specified
- pipeline_runtime = primary_pipeline.runtime
- if pipeline_runtime and pipeline_runtime != runtime:
- is_valid = False
- return is_valid
- def _preprocess_pipeline(
- pipeline_path: str, runtime: Optional[str] = None, runtime_config: Optional[str] = None
- ) -> dict:
- pipeline_path = os.path.expanduser(pipeline_path)
- pipeline_abs_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), pipeline_path)
- pipeline_dir = os.path.dirname(pipeline_abs_path)
- pipeline_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pipeline_abs_path))[0]
- if not os.path.exists(pipeline_abs_path):
- raise click.ClickException(f"Pipeline file not found: '{pipeline_abs_path}'\n")
- try:
- pipeline_definition = PipelineDefinition(pipeline_abs_path)
- except ValueError as ve:
- raise click.ClickException(f"Pipeline file is invalid: \n {ve}")
- try:
- primary_pipeline = pipeline_definition.primary_pipeline
- except Exception as e:
- raise click.ClickException(e)
- try:
- for pipeline in pipeline_definition.pipelines:
- for node in pipeline.nodes:
- filename = node.get_component_parameter("filename")
- if filename:
- abs_path = os.path.join(pipeline_dir, filename)
- node.set_component_parameter("filename", abs_path)
- except Exception as e:
- raise click.ClickException(f"Error pre-processing pipeline: \n {e}")
- # update pipeline transient fields
- primary_pipeline.set("name", pipeline_name)
- primary_pipeline.set("source", os.path.basename(pipeline_abs_path))
- # Only update the following if values were provided
- if runtime:
- primary_pipeline.set("runtime", runtime)
- if runtime_config:
- primary_pipeline.set("runtime_config", runtime_config)
- return pipeline_definition.to_dict()
- def _print_issues(issues):
- # print validation issues
- for issue in sorted(issues, key=itemgetter("severity")):
- severity = f" [{SEVERITY[issue.get('severity')]}]"
- prefix = ""
- postfix = ""
- if issue.get("data"):
- if issue["data"].get("nodeName"):
- # issue is associated with a single node; display it
- prefix = f"[{issue['data'].get('nodeName')}]"
- if issue["data"].get("propertyName"):
- # issue is associated with a node property; display it
- prefix = f"{prefix}[{issue['data'].get('propertyName')}]"
- if issue["data"].get("value"):
- # issue is caused by the value of a node property; display it
- postfix = f"The current property value is '{issue['data'].get('value')}'."
- elif issue["data"].get("nodeNames") and isinstance(issue["data"]["nodeNames"], list):
- # issue is associated with multiple nodes
- postfix = "Nodes: "
- separator = ""
- for nn in issue["data"]["nodeNames"]:
- postfix = f"{postfix}{separator}'{nn}'"
- separator = ", "
- output = f"{severity}{prefix} - {issue['message']} {postfix}"
- click.echo(output)
- click.echo("")
- def _validate_pipeline_definition(pipeline_definition: PipelineDefinition):
- """Validate pipeline definition and display issues"""
- click.echo("Validating pipeline...")
- # validate pipeline
- validation_response = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(
- PipelineValidationManager.instance().validate(pipeline=pipeline_definition)
- )
- # print validation issues
- issues = validation_response.to_json().get("issues")
- _print_issues(issues)
- if validation_response.has_fatal:
- # raise an exception and let the caller decide what to do
- raise click.ClickException("Unable to continue due to pipeline validation issues.")
- def _execute_pipeline(pipeline_definition) -> PipelineProcessorResponse:
- try:
- # parse pipeline
- pipeline_object = PipelineParser().parse(pipeline_definition)
- # process pipeline
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
- response = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(
- PipelineProcessorManager.instance().process(pipeline_object)
- )
- return response
- except ValueError as ve:
- raise click.ClickException(f"Error parsing pipeline: \n {ve}")
- except RuntimeError as re:
- raise click.ClickException(f"Error processing pipeline: \n {re} \n {re.__cause__}")
- def _build_component_cache():
- """Initialize a ComponentCache instance and wait for it to complete all tasks"""
- with Spinner(text="Initializing the component cache..."):
- component_cache = ComponentCache.instance(emulate_server_app=True)
- component_cache.load()
- component_cache.wait_for_all_cache_tasks()
- def validate_pipeline_path(ctx, param, value):
- """Callback for pipeline_path parameter"""
- if not value.is_file():
- raise click.BadParameter(f"'{value}' is not a file.")
- if value.suffix != ".pipeline":
- raise click.BadParameter(f"'{value}' is not a .pipeline file.")
- return value
- def print_banner(title):
- click.echo(Fore.CYAN + "────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────" + Style.RESET_ALL)
- click.echo(f"{Fore.CYAN} {title}{Style.RESET_ALL}")
- click.echo(Fore.CYAN + "────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────" + Style.RESET_ALL)
- click.echo()
- def print_info(title, info_list):
- click.echo(f"{Fore.CYAN}❯ {title}{Style.RESET_ALL}")
- for info_item in info_list:
- if isinstance(info_item, str):
- click.echo(f" {info_item}")
- else:
- click.echo(f" {info_item[0]}: {info_item[1]}")
- click.echo()
- def print_version():
- print_info("Version", [f"elyra {__version__}"])
- @click.group()
- @click.version_option(__version__, message="v%(version)s")
- def pipeline():
- """
- Run Elyra pipelines in your local environment or submit them to an external service,
- such as Kubeflow Pipelines or Apache Airflow.
- Find more information at: https://elyra.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- """
- pass
- @click.command()
- @click.option("--runtime-config", required=False, help="Runtime config where the pipeline should be processed")
- @click.argument("pipeline_path", type=Path, callback=validate_pipeline_path)
- def validate(pipeline_path, runtime_config="local"):
- """
- Validate pipeline
- """
- click.echo()
- print_banner("Elyra Pipeline Validation")
- runtime = _get_runtime_schema_name(runtime_config)
- pipeline_definition = _preprocess_pipeline(pipeline_path, runtime=runtime, runtime_config=runtime_config)
- pipeline_runtime_type = _get_pipeline_runtime_type(pipeline_definition)
- if pipeline_runtime_type:
- _build_component_cache()
- try:
- _validate_pipeline_definition(pipeline_definition)
- except Exception:
- raise click.ClickException("Pipeline validation FAILED.")
- def validate_timeout_option(ctx, param, value):
- """Callback for monitor-timeout parameter validation"""
- try:
- value = int(value)
- if value <= 0:
- raise ValueError()
- except ValueError:
- raise click.BadParameter(f"'{value}' is not a positive integer.")
- else:
- return value
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("pipeline_path", type=Path, callback=validate_pipeline_path)
- @click.option("--json", "json_option", is_flag=True, required=False, help="Display pipeline summary in JSON format")
- @click.option(
- "--runtime-config",
- "runtime_config_name",
- required=True,
- help="Runtime config where the pipeline should be processed",
- )
- @click.option(
- "--monitor",
- "monitor_option",
- is_flag=True,
- required=False,
- help="Monitor the pipeline run (Supported for Kubeflow Pipelines only)",
- )
- @click.option(
- "--monitor-timeout",
- "timeout_option",
- type=int,
- default=60,
- show_default=True,
- required=False,
- help="Monitoring timeout in minutes.",
- callback=validate_timeout_option,
- )
- def submit(json_option, pipeline_path, runtime_config_name, monitor_option, timeout_option):
- """
- Submit a pipeline to be executed on the server
- """
- click.echo()
- print_banner("Elyra Pipeline Submission")
- runtime_config = _get_runtime_config(runtime_config_name)
- runtime_schema = runtime_config.schema_name
- pipeline_definition = _preprocess_pipeline(
- pipeline_path, runtime=runtime_schema, runtime_config=runtime_config_name
- )
- pipeline_runtime_type = _get_pipeline_runtime_type(pipeline_definition)
- if pipeline_runtime_type:
- _build_component_cache()
- try:
- _validate_pipeline_definition(pipeline_definition)
- except Exception:
- raise click.ClickException("Pipeline validation FAILED. The pipeline was not submitted for execution.")
- with Spinner(text="Submitting pipeline..."):
- response: PipelineProcessorResponse = _execute_pipeline(pipeline_definition)
- if not json_option:
- if response:
- msg = []
- # If there's a git_url attr, assume Apache Airflow DAG repo.
- # TODO: this will need to be revisited once front-end is decoupled from runtime platforms.
- if hasattr(response, "git_url"):
- msg.append(f"Apache Airflow DAG has been pushed to: {response.git_url}")
- msg.append(f"Check the status of your job at: {response.run_url}")
- if response.object_storage_path is not None and response.object_storage_url is not None:
- msg.append(
- f"The results and outputs are in the {response.object_storage_path} "
- f"working directory in {response.object_storage_url}"
- )
- print_info("Job submission succeeded", msg)
- click.echo()
- print_banner("Elyra Pipeline Submission Complete")
- else:
- if response:
- click.echo()
- print(json.dumps(response.to_json(), indent=4))
- # Start pipeline run monitoring, if requested
- if runtime_schema == "kfp" and monitor_option:
- minute_str = "minutes" if timeout_option > 1 else "minute"
- try:
- msg = (
- f"Monitoring status of pipeline run '{response.run_id}' for up to " f"{timeout_option} {minute_str}..."
- )
- with Spinner(text=msg):
- status = _monitor_kfp_submission(runtime_config, runtime_config_name, response.run_id, timeout_option)
- except TimeoutError:
- click.echo(
- "Monitoring was stopped because the timeout threshold "
- f"({timeout_option} {minute_str}) was exceeded. The pipeline is still running."
- )
- sys.exit(EXIT_TIMEDOUT)
- else:
- # The following are known KFP states: 'succeeded', 'failed', 'skipped',
- # 'error'. Treat 'unknown' as error. Exit with appropriate status code.
- click.echo(f"Monitoring ended with run status: {status}")
- if status.lower() not in ["succeeded", "skipped"]:
- # Click appears to use non-zero exit codes 1 (ClickException)
- # and 2 (UsageError). Terminate.
- sys.exit(click.ClickException.exit_code)
- def _monitor_kfp_submission(runtime_config: dict, runtime_config_name: str, run_id: str, timeout: int) -> str:
- """Monitor the status of a Kubeflow Pipelines run"""
- try:
- # Authenticate with the KFP server
- auth_info = KFPAuthenticator().authenticate(
- runtime_config.metadata["api_endpoint"].rstrip("/"),
- auth_type_str=runtime_config.metadata.get("auth_type"),
- runtime_config_name=runtime_config_name,
- auth_parm_1=runtime_config.metadata.get("api_username"),
- auth_parm_2=runtime_config.metadata.get("api_password"),
- )
- except AuthenticationError as ae:
- if ae.get_request_history() is not None:
- click.echo("An authentication error was raised. Diagnostic information follows.")
- click.echo(ae.request_history_to_string())
- raise click.ClickException(f"Kubeflow authentication failed: {ae}")
- try:
- # Create a Kubeflow Pipelines client. There is no need to use a Tekton client,
- # because the monitoring API is agnostic.
- client = ArgoClient(
- host=runtime_config.metadata["api_endpoint"].rstrip("/"),
- cookies=auth_info.get("cookies", None),
- credentials=auth_info.get("credentials", None),
- existing_token=auth_info.get("existing_token", None),
- namespace=runtime_config.metadata.get("user_namespace"),
- )
- # wait for the run to complete or timeout (API uses seconds as unit - convert)
- run_details = client.wait_for_run_completion(run_id, timeout * 60)
- except TimeoutError:
- # pipeline processing did not finish yet, stop monitoring
- raise
- except Exception as ex:
- # log error and return 'unknown' status
- click.echo(f"Monitoring failed: {type(ex)}: {ex}")
- return "unknown"
- else:
- return run_details.run.status
- @click.command()
- @click.option("--json", "json_option", is_flag=True, required=False, help="Display pipeline summary in JSON format")
- @click.argument("pipeline_path", type=Path, callback=validate_pipeline_path)
- def run(json_option, pipeline_path):
- """
- Run a pipeline in your local environment
- """
- click.echo()
- print_banner("Elyra Pipeline Local Run")
- pipeline_definition = _preprocess_pipeline(pipeline_path, runtime="local", runtime_config="local")
- try:
- _validate_pipeline_definition(pipeline_definition)
- except Exception:
- raise click.ClickException("Pipeline validation FAILED. The pipeline was not run.")
- response = _execute_pipeline(pipeline_definition)
- if not json_option:
- click.echo()
- print_banner("Elyra Pipeline Local Run Complete")
- else:
- click.echo()
- if response:
- print(json.dumps(response.to_json(), indent=4))
- @click.command()
- @click.option("--json", "json_option", is_flag=True, required=False, help="Display pipeline summary in JSON format")
- @click.argument("pipeline_path", type=Path, callback=validate_pipeline_path)
- def describe(json_option, pipeline_path):
- """
- Display pipeline summary
- """
- indent_length = 4
- blank_field = "Not Specified"
- blank_list = ["None Listed"]
- pipeline_definition = _preprocess_pipeline(pipeline_path, runtime="local", runtime_config="local")
- primary_pipeline = PipelineDefinition(pipeline_definition=pipeline_definition).primary_pipeline
- describe_dict = OrderedDict()
- describe_dict["name"] = primary_pipeline.name
- describe_dict["description"] = primary_pipeline.get_property("description")
- describe_dict["type"] = primary_pipeline.type
- describe_dict["version"] = primary_pipeline.version
- describe_dict["runtime"] = primary_pipeline.get_property("runtime")
- describe_dict["nodes"] = len(primary_pipeline.nodes)
- describe_dict["scripts"] = set()
- describe_dict["notebooks"] = set()
- describe_dict["file_dependencies"] = set()
- describe_dict["component_dependencies"] = set()
- describe_dict[pipeline_constants.MOUNTED_VOLUMES] = set()
- describe_dict[pipeline_constants.RUNTIME_IMAGE] = set()
- for node in primary_pipeline.nodes:
- # collect information about file dependencies
- for dependency in node.get_component_parameter("dependencies", []):
- describe_dict["file_dependencies"].add(f"{dependency}")
- # collect information about component dependencies
- if node.component_source is not None:
- describe_dict["component_dependencies"].add(node.component_source)
- # collect information of mounted volumes
- for mounted_volume in node.get_component_parameter(pipeline_constants.MOUNTED_VOLUMES, []):
- describe_dict[pipeline_constants.MOUNTED_VOLUMES].add(f"{mounted_volume.pvc_name}")
- # collection runtime image details
- temp_runtime_image_value = node.get_component_parameter(pipeline_constants.RUNTIME_IMAGE)
- if temp_runtime_image_value:
- describe_dict[pipeline_constants.RUNTIME_IMAGE].add(f"{temp_runtime_image_value}")
- # collect notebook / script name when pipeline is generic
- if describe_dict["runtime"] == "Generic":
- temp_value = node.get_component_parameter("filename")
- if not temp_value:
- pass
- elif Path(Path(temp_value).name).suffix == ".ipynb":
- describe_dict["notebooks"].add(temp_value)
- else:
- describe_dict["scripts"].add(temp_value)
- if not json_option:
- click.echo()
- print_banner("Elyra Pipeline details")
- for key in list(describe_dict):
- readable_key = " ".join(key.title().split("_"))
- if isinstance(describe_dict[key], set):
- click.echo(f"{readable_key}:")
- if not describe_dict.get(key):
- click.echo(f"{' ' * indent_length}{blank_list[0]}")
- else:
- for item in describe_dict.get(key, blank_list):
- click.echo(f"{' ' * indent_length}- {item}")
- else:
- click.echo(f"{readable_key}: {describe_dict.get(key, blank_field)}")
- else:
- for key in list(describe_dict):
- if isinstance(describe_dict[key], set):
- describe_dict[key] = list(describe_dict[key])
- value = describe_dict.get(key)
- if not value:
- describe_dict.pop(key)
- click.echo(json.dumps(describe_dict, indent=indent_length))
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("pipeline_path", type=Path, callback=validate_pipeline_path)
- @click.option("--runtime-config", required=True, help="Runtime configuration name.")
- @click.option(
- "--output",
- required=False,
- type=Path,
- help="Exported file name (including optional path). Defaults to " " the current directory and the pipeline name.",
- )
- @click.option("--overwrite", is_flag=True, help="Overwrite output file if it already exists.")
- def export(pipeline_path, runtime_config, output, overwrite):
- """
- Export a pipeline to a runtime-specific format
- """
- click.echo()
- print_banner("Elyra pipeline export")
- rtc = _get_runtime_config(runtime_config)
- runtime_schema = rtc.schema_name
- runtime_type = rtc.metadata.get("runtime_type")
- pipeline_definition = _preprocess_pipeline(pipeline_path, runtime=runtime_schema, runtime_config=runtime_config)
- # Verify that the pipeline's runtime type is compatible with the
- # runtime configuration
- pipeline_runtime_type = _get_pipeline_runtime_type(pipeline_definition)
- if pipeline_runtime_type and pipeline_runtime_type != "Generic" and pipeline_runtime_type != runtime_type:
- raise click.BadParameter(
- f"The runtime configuration type '{runtime_type}' does not match "
- f"the pipeline's runtime type '{pipeline_runtime_type}'.",
- param_hint="--runtime-config",
- )
- resources = RuntimeTypeResources.get_instance_by_type(RuntimeProcessorType.get_instance_by_name(runtime_type))
- supported_export_formats = resources.get_export_extensions()
- if len(supported_export_formats) == 0:
- raise click.ClickException(f"Runtime type '{runtime_type}' does not support export.")
- # If, in the future, a runtime supports multiple export output formats,
- # the user can choose one. For now, choose the only option.
- selected_export_format = supported_export_formats[0]
- selected_export_format_suffix = f".{selected_export_format}"
- # generate output file name from the user-provided input
- if output is None:
- # user did not specify an output; use current directory
- # and derive the file name from the pipeline file name
- output_path = Path.cwd()
- filename = f"{Path(pipeline_path).stem}{selected_export_format_suffix}"
- else:
- if output.suffix == selected_export_format_suffix:
- # user provided a file name
- output_path = output.parent
- filename = output.name
- else:
- # user provided a directory
- output_path = output
- filename = f"{Path(pipeline_path).stem}{selected_export_format_suffix}"
- output_file = output_path.resolve() / filename
- # verify that the output path meets the prerequisites
- if not output_file.parent.is_dir():
- try:
- output_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- except Exception as ex:
- raise click.BadParameter(f"Cannot create output directory: {ex}", param_hint="--output")
- # handle output overwrite
- if output_file.exists() and not overwrite:
- raise click.ClickException(
- f"Output file '{str(output_file)}' exists and " "option '--overwrite' was not specified."
- )
- if pipeline_runtime_type:
- _build_component_cache()
- # validate the pipeline
- try:
- _validate_pipeline_definition(pipeline_definition)
- except Exception:
- raise click.ClickException("Pipeline validation FAILED. The pipeline was not exported.")
- with Spinner(text="Exporting pipeline ..."):
- try:
- # parse pipeline
- pipeline_object = PipelineParser().parse(pipeline_definition)
- # process pipeline
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
- asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(
- PipelineProcessorManager.instance().export(
- pipeline_object, selected_export_format, str(output_file), True
- )
- )
- except ValueError as ve:
- raise click.ClickException(f"Error parsing pipeline: \n {ve}")
- except RuntimeError as re:
- raise click.ClickException(f"Error exporting pipeline: \n {re} \n {re.__cause__}")
- click.echo(f"Pipeline was exported to '{str(output_file)}'.")
- pipeline.add_command(describe)
- pipeline.add_command(validate)
- pipeline.add_command(submit)
- pipeline.add_command(run)
- pipeline.add_command(export)