@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
-import {
- IAjaxSettings
-} from 'jupyter-js-utils';
-import * as utils
- from 'jupyter-js-utils';
-import {
- IComm, ICommInfoRequest, ICommInfoReply, ICommOpen, ICompleteReply,
- ICompleteRequest, IExecuteRequest, IInspectReply,
- IInspectRequest, IIsCompleteReply, IIsCompleteRequest, IInputReply, IKernel,
- IKernelFuture, IKernelId, IKernelInfo, IKernelManager, IKernelMessage,
- IKernelMessageHeader, IKernelMessageOptions, IKernelOptions, IKernelSpecIds,
- KernelStatus, IKernelIOPubCommOpenMessage, IKernelSpec, createKernelMessage,
- INotebookSession, ISessionOptions, IHistoryRequest, IHistoryReply
-} from 'jupyter-js-services';
-import {
- KernelFutureHandler
-} from 'jupyter-js-services/lib/kernelfuture';
-import {
- DisposableDelegate, IDisposable
-} from 'phosphor-disposable';
-import {
- ISignal, Signal, clearSignalData
-} from 'phosphor-signaling';
- * A mock kernel object that only handles execution requests.
- * It only keeps one kernel future at a time.
- */
-class MockKernel implements IKernel {
- id: string;
- name: string;
- username = '';
- clientId = '';
- constructor(options?: IKernelId) {
- options = options || {};
- this.id = options.id || '';
- this.name = options.name || 'python';
- Promise.resolve().then(() => {
- this._changeStatus(KernelStatus.Idle);
- });
- }
- /**
- * A signal emitted when the kernel status changes.
- */
- get statusChanged(): ISignal<IKernel, KernelStatus> {
- return KernelPrivate.statusChangedSignal.bind(this);
- }
- /**
- * A signal emitted for unhandled kernel message.
- */
- get unhandledMessage(): ISignal<IKernel, IKernelMessage> {
- return KernelPrivate.unhandledMessageSignal.bind(this);
- }
- /**
- * The current status of the kernel.
- */
- get status(): KernelStatus {
- return this._status;
- }
- /**
- * Test whether the kernel has been disposed.
- */
- get isDisposed(): boolean {
- return this._isDisposed
- }
- /**
- * Dispose of the resources held by the kernel.
- */
- dispose(): void {
- if (this.isDisposed) {
- return;
- }
- this._isDisposed = true;
- }
- /**
- * Send a shell message to the kernel.
- */
- sendShellMessage(msg: IKernelMessage, expectReply=false, disposeOnDone=true): IKernelFuture {
- let future = new KernelFutureHandler(() => {}, msg, expectReply, disposeOnDone);
- this._future = future;
- return future;
- }
- /**
- * Send a message to the kernel.
- */
- sendServerMessage(msgType: string, channel: string, contents: any): void {
- let future = this._future;
- if (!future) {
- return;
- }
- let options = {
- msgType,
- channel,
- username: this.username,
- session: this.clientId
- }
- let msg = createKernelMessage(options, contents);
- future.handleMsg(msg);
- }
- /**
- * Send a shell reply message to the kernel.
- */
- sendShellReply(contents: any): void {
- let future = this._future;
- if (!future) {
- return;
- }
- let msgType = future.msg.header.msg_type.replace('_request', '_reply');
- this.sendServerMessage(msgType, 'shell', contents);
- }
- /**
- * Interrupt a kernel.
- */
- interrupt(): Promise<void> {
- return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
- this._changeStatus(KernelStatus.Idle);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Restart a kernel.
- */
- restart(): Promise<void> {
- this._changeStatus(KernelStatus.Restarting);
- return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
- this._changeStatus(KernelStatus.Idle);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Shutdown a kernel.
- */
- shutdown(): Promise<void> {
- this._changeStatus(KernelStatus.Dead);
- this.dispose();
- return Promise.resolve(void 0);
- }
- /**
- * Send a `kernel_info_request` message.
- */
- kernelInfo(): Promise<IKernelInfo> {
- return this._sendKernelMessage('kernel_info_request', 'shell', {});
- }
- /**
- * Send a `complete_request` message.
- */
- complete(contents: ICompleteRequest): Promise<ICompleteReply> {
- return this._sendKernelMessage('complete_request', 'shell', contents);
- }
- /**
- * Send a `history_request` message.
- */
- history(contents: IHistoryRequest): Promise<IHistoryReply> {
- return this._sendKernelMessage('history', 'shell', contents);
- }
- /**
- * Send an `inspect_request` message.
- */
- inspect(contents: IInspectRequest): Promise<IInspectReply> {
- return this._sendKernelMessage('inspect_request', 'shell', contents);
- }
- /**
- * Send an `execute_request` message.
- */
- execute(contents: IExecuteRequest, disposeOnDone: boolean = true): IKernelFuture {
- let options: IKernelMessageOptions = {
- msgType: 'execute_request',
- channel: 'shell',
- username: '',
- session: ''
- };
- let defaults = {
- silent : false,
- store_history : true,
- user_expressions : {},
- allow_stdin : true,
- stop_on_error : false
- };
- contents = utils.extend(defaults, contents);
- let msg = createKernelMessage(options, contents);
- return this.sendShellMessage(msg, true, disposeOnDone);
- }
- /**
- * Send an `is_complete_request` message.
- */
- isComplete(contents: IIsCompleteRequest): Promise<IIsCompleteReply> {
- return this._sendKernelMessage('is_complete_request', 'shell', contents);
- }
- /**
- * Send a `comm_info_request` message.
- */
- commInfo(contents: ICommInfoRequest): Promise<ICommInfoReply> {
- return this._sendKernelMessage('comm_info_request', 'shell', contents);
- }
- /**
- * Send an `input_reply` message.
- */
- sendInputReply(contents: IInputReply): void { }
- /**
- * Register a comm target handler.
- */
- registerCommTarget(targetName: string, callback: (comm: IComm, msg: IKernelIOPubCommOpenMessage) => void): IDisposable {
- return void 0;
- }
- /**
- * Connect to a comm, or create a new one.
- */
- connectToComm(targetName: string, commId?: string): IComm {
- return void 0;
- }
- /**
- * Get the kernel spec associated with the kernel.
- */
- getKernelSpec(): Promise<IKernelSpec> {
- return Promise.resolve(void 0);
- }
- private _sendKernelMessage(msgType: string, channel: string, contents: any): Promise<any> {
- let options: IKernelMessageOptions = {
- msgType,
- channel,
- username: this.username,
- session: this.clientId
- };
- let msg = createKernelMessage(options, contents);
- let future: IKernelFuture;
- try {
- future = this.sendShellMessage(msg, true);
- } catch (e) {
- return Promise.reject(e);
- }
- return new Promise<IKernelInfo>((resolve, reject) => {
- future.onReply = (msg: IKernelMessage) => {
- resolve(msg.content);
- };
- });
- }
- private _changeStatus(status: KernelStatus): void {
- if (this._status === status) {
- return;
- }
- this._status = status;
- this.statusChanged.emit(status);
- }
- private _status = KernelStatus.Unknown;
- private _isDisposed = false;
- private _future: KernelFutureHandler = null;
- * A mock notebook session object that uses a mock kernel.
- */
-class MockSession implements INotebookSession {
- id: string;
- notebookPath: string;
- ajaxSettings: IAjaxSettings = {};
- constructor(path: string, kernel?: IKernel) {
- this.notebookPath = path;
- this._kernel = kernel || new MockKernel();
- this._kernel.statusChanged.connect(this.onKernelStatus, this);
- this._kernel.unhandledMessage.connect(this.onUnhandledMessage, this);
- }
- /**
- * A signal emitted when the session dies.
- */
- get sessionDied(): ISignal<INotebookSession, void> {
- return SessionPrivate.sessionDiedSignal.bind(this);
- }
- /**
- * A signal emitted when the kernel changes.
- */
- get kernelChanged(): ISignal<INotebookSession, IKernel> {
- return SessionPrivate.kernelChangedSignal.bind(this);
- }
- /**
- * A signal emitted when the kernel status changes.
- */
- get statusChanged(): ISignal<INotebookSession, KernelStatus> {
- return SessionPrivate.statusChangedSignal.bind(this);
- }
- /**
- * A signal emitted for an unhandled kernel message.
- */
- get unhandledMessage(): ISignal<INotebookSession, IKernelMessage> {
- return SessionPrivate.unhandledMessageSignal.bind(this);
- }
- /**
- * Get the session kernel object.
- */
- get kernel(): IKernel {
- return this._kernel;
- }
- /**
- * The current status of the session.
- */
- get status(): KernelStatus {
- return this._kernel.status;
- }
- /**
- * Test whether the session has been disposed.
- *
- * #### Notes
- * This is a read-only property which is always safe to access.
- */
- get isDisposed(): boolean {
- return this._isDisposed;
- }
- /**
- * Dispose of the resources held by the session.
- */
- dispose(): void {
- this._isDisposed = true;
- }
- /**
- * Rename or move a notebook.
- */
- renameNotebook(path: string): Promise<void> {
- this.notebookPath = path;
- return Promise.resolve(void 0);
- }
- /**
- * Change the kernel.
- */
- changeKernel(options: IKernelId): Promise<IKernel> {
- this._kernel.dispose();
- this._kernel = new MockKernel(options);
- this.kernelChanged.emit(this._kernel);
- return Promise.resolve(this._kernel);
- }
- /**
- * Kill the kernel and shutdown the session.
- */
- shutdown(): Promise<void> {
- this._kernel.dispose();
- this._kernel = null;
- this.sessionDied.emit(void 0);
- return Promise.resolve(void 0);
- }
- /**
- * Handle to changes in the Kernel status.
- */
- protected onKernelStatus(sender: IKernel, state: KernelStatus) {
- this.statusChanged.emit(state);
- }
- /**
- * Handle unhandled kernel messages.
- */
- protected onUnhandledMessage(sender: IKernel, msg: IKernelMessage) {
- this.unhandledMessage.emit(msg);
- }
- private _isDisposed = false;
- private _kernel: IKernel = null;
- * A namespace for notebook session private data.
- */
-namespace SessionPrivate {
- /**
- * A signal emitted when the session is shut down.
- */
- export
- const sessionDiedSignal = new Signal<INotebookSession, void>();
- /**
- * A signal emitted when the kernel changes.
- */
- export
- const kernelChangedSignal = new Signal<INotebookSession, IKernel>();
- /**
- * A signal emitted when the session kernel status changes.
- */
- export
- const statusChangedSignal = new Signal<INotebookSession, KernelStatus>();
- /**
- * A signal emitted for an unhandled kernel message.
- */
- export
- const unhandledMessageSignal = new Signal<INotebookSession, IKernelMessage>();
-namespace KernelPrivate {
- /**
- * A signal emitted when the kernel status changes.
- */
- export
- const statusChangedSignal = new Signal<IKernel, KernelStatus>();
- /**
- * A signal emitted for unhandled kernel message.
- */
- export
- const unhandledMessageSignal = new Signal<IKernel, IKernelMessage>();