@@ -5,18 +5,6 @@ import {
} from 'jupyter-js-services';
-import {
- showDialog
-} from '../../dialog';
-import {
- IDocumentContext
-} from '../../docregistry';
-import {
- RenderMime
-} from '../../rendermime';
import {
MimeData as IClipboard
} from 'phosphor-dragdrop';
@@ -29,16 +17,24 @@ import {
} from 'phosphor-properties';
+import {
+ ISignal, Signal
+} from 'phosphor-signaling';
import {
} from 'phosphor-widget';
import {
- CellEditorWidget, ITextChange, ICompletionRequest
-} from '../cells/editor';
+ IDocumentContext
+} from '../../docregistry';
+import {
+ RenderMime
+} from '../../rendermime';
import {
- CompletionWidget, CompletionModel
+ CompletionWidget, CompletionModel, CellCompletionHandler
} from '../completion';
import {
@@ -79,99 +75,62 @@ const DIRTY_CLASS = 'jp-mod-dirty';
class NotebookPanel extends Widget {
- /**
- * Create a new content area for the notebook.
- */
- static createContent(model: INotebookModel, rendermime: RenderMime<Widget>): Notebook {
- let widget = new Notebook({ rendermime });
- widget.model = model;
- return widget;
- }
- /**
- * Create a new toolbar for the notebook.
- */
- static createToolbar(): NotebookToolbar {
- return new NotebookToolbar();
- }
- /**
- * Create a new completion widget.
- */
- static createCompletion(): CompletionWidget {
- let model = new CompletionModel();
- return new CompletionWidget(model);
- }
* Construct a new notebook panel.
- constructor(model: INotebookModel, rendermime: RenderMime<Widget>, context: IDocumentContext, clipboard: IClipboard) {
+ constructor(options: NotebookPanel.IOptions) {
- this._model = model;
- this._rendermime = rendermime;
- this._context = context;
- this._clipboard = clipboard;
- context.kernelChanged.connect(() => {
- this.handleKernelChange(context.kernel);
- });
- if (context.kernel) {
- this.handleKernelChange(context.kernel);
- }
+ this._rendermime = options.rendermime;
+ this._clipboard = options.clipboard;
+ this._renderer = options.renderer || NotebookPanel.defaultRenderer;
this.layout = new PanelLayout();
- let ctor = this.constructor as typeof NotebookPanel;
- this._content = ctor.createContent(model, rendermime);
- this._toolbar = ctor.createToolbar();
+ let rendermime = this._rendermime;
+ this._content = this._renderer.createContent({ rendermime });
+ let toolbar = this._renderer.createToolbar();
let container = new Panel();
let layout = this.layout as PanelLayout;
- layout.addChild(this._toolbar);
+ layout.addChild(toolbar);
- // Instantiate tab completion widget.
- this._completion = ctor.createCompletion();
+ this._completion = this._renderer.createCompletion();
this._completion.reference = this;
- this._completion.selected.connect(this.onCompletionSelect, this);
- // Connect signals.
- this._content.stateChanged.connect(this.onContentChanged, this);
- let cell = this._content.childAt(this._content.activeCellIndex);
- if (cell) {
- let editor = cell.editor;
- editor.textChanged.connect(this.onTextChange, this);
- editor.completionRequested.connect(this.onCompletionRequest, this);
- }
- // Handle the document title.
- this.title.text = context.path.split('/').pop();
- context.pathChanged.connect((c, path) => {
- this.title.text = path.split('/').pop();
+ this._completionHandler = new CellCompletionHandler(this._completion);
+ this._completionHandler.activeCell = this._content.activeCell;
+ this._content.activeCellChanged.connect((s, cell) => {
+ this._completionHandler.activeCell = cell;
+ }
- // Handle changes to dirty state.
- model.stateChanged.connect((m, args) => {
- if (args.name === 'dirty') {
- if (args.newValue) {
- this.title.className += ` ${DIRTY_CLASS}`;
- } else {
- this.title.className = this.title.className.replace(DIRTY_CLASS, '');
- }
- }
- });
+ /**
+ * A signal emitted when the panel context changes.
+ */
+ get contextChanged(): ISignal<NotebookPanel, void> {
+ return Private.contextChangedSignal.bind(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * A signal emitted when the kernel used by the panel changes.
+ */
+ get kernelChanged(): ISignal<NotebookPanel, IKernel> {
+ return Private.kernelChangedSignal.bind(this);
* Get the toolbar used by the widget.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This is a read-only property.
get toolbar(): NotebookToolbar {
- return this._toolbar;
+ return (this.layout as PanelLayout).childAt(0) as NotebookToolbar;
@@ -184,6 +143,16 @@ class NotebookPanel extends Widget {
return this._content;
+ /**
+ * Get the current kernel used by the panel.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This is a a read-only property.
+ */
+ get kernel(): IKernel {
+ return this._context ? this._context.kernel : null;
+ }
* Get the rendermime instance used by the widget.
@@ -194,6 +163,13 @@ class NotebookPanel extends Widget {
return this._rendermime;
+ /**
+ * Get the renderer used by the widget.
+ */
+ get renderer(): NotebookPanel.IRenderer {
+ return this._renderer;
+ }
* Get the clipboard instance used by the widget.
@@ -205,24 +181,37 @@ class NotebookPanel extends Widget {
- * Get the model used by the widget.
+ * The model for the widget.
* #### Notes
* This is a read-only property.
get model(): INotebookModel {
- return this._model;
+ return this._content ? this._content.model : null;
- * Get the document context for the widget.
+ * The document context for the widget.
* #### Notes
- * This is a read-only property.
+ * Changing the context also changes the model on the
+ * `content`.
- get context(): IDocumentContext {
+ get context(): IDocumentContext<INotebookModel> {
return this._context;
+ set context(newValue: IDocumentContext<INotebookModel>) {
+ newValue = newValue || null;
+ if (newValue === this._context) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let oldValue = this._context;
+ this._context = newValue;
+ // Trigger private, protected, and public changes.
+ this._onContextChanged(oldValue, newValue);
+ this.onContextChanged(oldValue, newValue);
+ this.contextChanged.emit(void 0);
+ }
* Dispose of the resources used by the widget.
@@ -232,40 +221,72 @@ class NotebookPanel extends Widget {
this._context = null;
- this._rendermime = null;
this._content = null;
- this._toolbar = null;
+ this._rendermime = null;
this._clipboard = null;
+ this._completionHandler.dispose();
+ this._completionHandler = null;
this._completion = null;
+ this._renderer = null;
- * Restart the kernel on the panel.
+ * Handle a change to the document context.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * The default implementation is a no-op.
- restart(): Promise<boolean> {
- let kernel = this.context.kernel;
- if (!kernel) {
- return Promise.resolve(false);
+ protected onContextChanged(oldValue: IDocumentContext<INotebookModel>, newValue: IDocumentContext<INotebookModel>): void { }
+ /**
+ * Handle a change in the model state.
+ */
+ protected onModelStateChanged(sender: INotebookModel, args: IChangedArgs<any>): void {
+ if (args.name === 'dirty') {
+ this._handleDirtyState();
- return showDialog({
- title: 'Restart Kernel?',
- body: 'Do you want to restart the current kernel? All variables will be lost.',
- host: this.node
- }).then(result => {
- if (result.text === 'OK') {
- return kernel.restart().then(() => { return true; });
- } else {
- return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle a change to the document path.
+ */
+ protected onPathChanged(sender: IDocumentContext<INotebookModel>, path: string): void {
+ this.title.text = path.split('/').pop();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle a change in the context.
+ */
+ private _onContextChanged(oldValue: IDocumentContext<INotebookModel>, newValue: IDocumentContext<INotebookModel>): void {
+ if (oldValue) {
+ oldValue.kernelChanged.disconnect(this._onKernelChanged, this);
+ oldValue.pathChanged.disconnect(this.onPathChanged, this);
+ if (oldValue.model) {
+ oldValue.model.stateChanged.disconnect(this.onModelStateChanged, this);
- });
+ }
+ let context = newValue;
+ context.kernelChanged.connect(this._onKernelChanged, this);
+ let oldKernel = oldValue ? oldValue.kernel : null;
+ if (context.kernel !== oldKernel) {
+ this._onKernelChanged(this._context, this._context.kernel);
+ }
+ this._content.model = newValue.model;
+ this._handleDirtyState();
+ newValue.model.stateChanged.connect(this.onModelStateChanged, this);
+ // Handle the document title.
+ this.onPathChanged(context, context.path);
+ context.pathChanged.connect(this.onPathChanged, this);
* Handle a change in the kernel by updating the document metadata.
- protected handleKernelChange(kernel: IKernel): void {
+ private _onKernelChanged(context: IDocumentContext<INotebookModel>, kernel: IKernel): void {
if (!this.model) {
@@ -281,113 +302,131 @@ class NotebookPanel extends Widget {
language: spec.language
+ this._completionHandler.kernel = kernel;
+ this.kernelChanged.emit(kernel);
- * Handle a change in the content area.
+ * Handle the dirty state of the model.
- protected onContentChanged(sender: Notebook, args: IChangedArgs<any>): void {
- switch (args.name) {
- case 'activeCellIndex':
- let cell = this._content.childAt(args.oldValue);
- let editor = cell.editor;
- editor.textChanged.disconnect(this.onTextChange, this);
- editor.completionRequested.disconnect(this.onCompletionRequest, this);
- cell = this._content.childAt(args.newValue);
- editor = cell.editor;
- editor.textChanged.connect(this.onTextChange, this);
- editor.completionRequested.connect(this.onCompletionRequest, this);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Handle a text changed signal from an editor.
- */
- protected onTextChange(editor: CellEditorWidget, change: ITextChange): void {
+ private _handleDirtyState(): void {
if (!this.model) {
- let line = change.newValue.split('\n')[change.line];
- let model = this._completion.model;
- // If last character entered is not whitespace, update completion.
- if (line[change.ch - 1] && line[change.ch - 1].match(/\S/)) {
- // If there is currently a completion
- if (model.original) {
- model.current = change;
- }
+ if (this.model.dirty) {
+ this.title.className += ` ${DIRTY_CLASS}`;
} else {
- // If final character is whitespace, reset completion.
- model.options = null;
- model.original = null;
- model.cursor = null;
- return;
+ this.title.className = this.title.className.replace(DIRTY_CLASS, '');
+ private _rendermime: RenderMime<Widget> = null;
+ private _context: IDocumentContext<INotebookModel> = null;
+ private _clipboard: IClipboard = null;
+ private _content: Notebook = null;
+ private _renderer: NotebookPanel.IRenderer = null;
+ private _completion: CompletionWidget = null;
+ private _completionHandler: CellCompletionHandler = null;
+ * A namespace for `NotebookPanel` statics.
+ */
+export namespace NotebookPanel {
- * Handle a completion requested signal from an editor.
+ * An options interface for NotebookPanels.
- protected onCompletionRequest(editor: CellEditorWidget, change: ICompletionRequest): void {
- if (!this.model) {
- return;
- }
- let kernel = this.context.kernel;
- if (!kernel) {
- return;
- }
- let contents = {
- // Only send the current line of code for completion.
- code: change.currentValue.split('\n')[change.line],
- cursor_pos: change.ch
- };
- let pendingComplete = ++this._pendingComplete;
- let model = this._completion.model;
- kernel.complete(contents).then(value => {
- // If model has been disposed, bail.
- if (model.isDisposed) {
- return;
- }
- // If a newer completion requesy has created a pending request, bail.
- if (pendingComplete !== this._pendingComplete) {
- return;
- }
- // Completion request failures or negative results fail silently.
- if (value.status !== 'ok') {
- return;
- }
- // Update the model.
- model.options = value.matches;
- model.cursor = { start: value.cursor_start, end: value.cursor_end };
- }).then(() => {
- model.original = change;
- });
+ export
+ interface IOptions {
+ /**
+ * The rendermime instance used by the panel.
+ */
+ rendermime: RenderMime<Widget>;
+ /**
+ * The application clipboard.
+ */
+ clipboard: IClipboard;
+ /**
+ * The content renderer for the panel.
+ *
+ * The default is a shared `IRenderer` instance.
+ */
+ renderer?: IRenderer;
- * Handle a completion selected signal from the completion widget.
+ * A renderer interface for NotebookPanels.
- protected onCompletionSelect(widget: CompletionWidget, value: string): void {
- if (!this.model) {
- return;
+ export
+ interface IRenderer {
+ /**
+ * Create a new content area for the panel.
+ */
+ createContent(options: Notebook.IOptions): Notebook;
+ /**
+ * Create a new toolbar for the panel.
+ */
+ createToolbar(): NotebookToolbar;
+ /**
+ * Create a new completion widget for the panel.
+ */
+ createCompletion(): CompletionWidget;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The default implementation of an `IRenderer`.
+ */
+ export
+ class Renderer implements IRenderer {
+ /**
+ * Create a new content area for the panel.
+ */
+ createContent(options: Notebook.IOptions): Notebook {
+ return new Notebook(options);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a new toolbar for the panel.
+ */
+ createToolbar(): NotebookToolbar {
+ return new NotebookToolbar();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a new completion widget.
+ */
+ createCompletion(): CompletionWidget {
+ let model = new CompletionModel();
+ return new CompletionWidget(model);
- let patch = this._completion.model.createPatch(value);
- let cell = this._content.childAt(this._content.activeCellIndex);
- let editor = cell.editor.editor;
- let doc = editor.getDoc();
- doc.setValue(patch.text);
- doc.setCursor(doc.posFromIndex(patch.position));
- private _rendermime: RenderMime<Widget> = null;
- private _context: IDocumentContext = null;
- private _model: INotebookModel = null;
- private _content: Notebook = null;
- private _toolbar: NotebookToolbar = null;
- private _clipboard: IClipboard = null;
- private _completion: CompletionWidget = null;
- private _pendingComplete = 0;
+ /**
+ * The shared default instance of a `Renderer`.
+ */
+ export
+ const defaultRenderer = new Renderer();
+ * A namespace for private data.
+ */
+namespace Private {
+ /**
+ * A signal emitted when the panel context changes.
+ */
+ export
+ const contextChangedSignal = new Signal<NotebookPanel, void>();
+ /**
+ * A signal emitted when the kernel used by the panel changes.
+ */
+ export
+ const kernelChangedSignal = new Signal<NotebookPanel, IKernel>();