@@ -238,63 +238,134 @@ describe('notebook/notebook/default-toolbar', () => {
describe('#createCellTypeItem()', () => {
it('should track the cell type of the current cell', () => {
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createCellTypeItem(panel);
+ let node = item.node.getElementsByTagName('select')[0] as HTMLSelectElement;
+ expect(node.value).to.be('code');
+ panel.content.activeCellIndex++;
+ expect(node.value).to.be('markdown');
it("should display `'-'` if multiple cell types are selected", () => {
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createCellTypeItem(panel);
+ let node = item.node.getElementsByTagName('select')[0] as HTMLSelectElement;
+ expect(node.value).to.be('code');
+ panel.content.select(panel.content.childAt(1));
+ expect(node.value).to.be('-');
it('should display the active cell type if multiple cells of the same type are selected', () => {
- });
- it('should change the types of the active cells if the selection changes', () => {
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createCellTypeItem(panel);
+ let node = item.node.getElementsByTagName('select')[0] as HTMLSelectElement;
+ expect(node.value).to.be('code');
+ let cell = panel.model.factory.createCodeCell();
+ panel.model.cells.insert(1, cell);
+ panel.content.select(panel.content.childAt(1));
+ expect(node.value).to.be('code');
it('should handle a change in context', () => {
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createCellTypeItem(panel);
+ let model = new NotebookModel();
+ context = new MockContext<NotebookModel>(model);
+ context.changeKernel({ name: 'python' });
+ panel.context = context;
+ panel.content.activeCellIndex++;
+ let node = item.node.getElementsByTagName('select')[0] as HTMLSelectElement;
+ expect(node.value).to.be('markdown');
describe('#createKernelNameItem()', () => {
- it("should display the `'display_name`' of the current kernel", () => {
+ it("should display the `'display_name`' of the current kernel", (done) => {
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createKernelNameItem(panel);
+ panel.kernel.getKernelSpec().then(spec => {
+ expect(item.node.textContent).to.be(spec.display_name);
+ done();
+ });
it("should display `'No Kernel!'` if there is no kernel", () => {
+ let model = new NotebookModel();
+ context = new MockContext<NotebookModel>(model);
+ panel.context = context;
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createKernelNameItem(panel);
+ expect(item.node.textContent).to.be('No Kernel!');
- it('should handle a change in kernel', () => {
+ it('should handle a change in kernel', (done) => {
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createKernelNameItem(panel);
+ panel.context.changeKernel({ name: 'shell' }).then(kernel => {
+ kernel.getKernelSpec().then(spec => {
+ expect(item.node.textContent).to.be(spec.display_name);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
it('should handle a change in context', () => {
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createKernelNameItem(panel);
+ let model = new NotebookModel();
+ context = new MockContext<NotebookModel>(model);
+ panel.context = context;
+ expect(item.node.textContent).to.be('No Kernel!');
describe('#createKernelStatusItem()', () => {
- it('should display a busy status if the kernel status is not idle', () => {
+ it('should display a busy status if the kernel status is not idle', (done) => {
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createKernelStatusItem(panel);
+ expect(item.hasClass('jp-mod-busy')).to.be(true);
+ panel.kernel.statusChanged.connect(() => {
+ if (panel.kernel.status === 'idle') {
+ expect(item.hasClass('jp-mod-busy')).to.be(false);
+ done();
+ }
+ });
- it('should show the current status in the node title', () => {
+ it('should show the current status in the node title', (done) => {
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createKernelStatusItem(panel);
+ let status = panel.kernel.status;
+ expect(item.node.title.toLowerCase()).to.contain(status);
+ panel.kernel.statusChanged.connect(() => {
+ if (panel.kernel.status === 'idle') {
+ expect(item.node.title.toLowerCase()).to.contain('idle');
+ done();
+ }
+ });
- it('should handle a change to the kernel', () => {
+ it('should handle a change to the kernel', (done) => {
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createKernelStatusItem(panel);
+ panel.context.changeKernel({ name: 'shell' });
+ panel.kernel.statusChanged.connect(() => {
+ if (panel.kernel.status === 'idle') {
+ expect(item.hasClass('jp-mod-busy')).to.be(false);
+ done();
+ }
+ });
- it('should handle a change to the context', () => {
+ it('should handle a change to the context', (done) => {
+ let item = ToolbarItems.createKernelStatusItem(panel);
+ let model = new NotebookModel();
+ context = new MockContext<NotebookModel>(model);
+ context.changeKernel({ name: 'python' });
+ panel.context = context;
+ panel.kernel.statusChanged.connect(() => {
+ if (panel.kernel.status === 'idle') {
+ expect(item.hasClass('jp-mod-busy')).to.be(false);
+ done();
+ }
+ });
@@ -302,7 +373,10 @@ describe('notebook/notebook/default-toolbar', () => {
describe('#populateDefaults()', () => {
it('should add the default items to the panel toolbar', () => {
+ ToolbarItems.populateDefaults(panel);
+ expect(panel.toolbar.list()).to.eql(['save', 'insert', 'cut',
+ 'copy', 'paste', 'run', 'interrupt', 'restart', 'cellType',
+ 'kernelName', 'kernelStatus']);