@@ -26,6 +26,75 @@ We'll walk through two notebook extensions.
### Adding a button to the toolbar
+Create a `src/mybutton/plugin.ts` file with the following contents.
+import {
+ IWidgetExtension, IDocumentContext, IDocumentModel, DocumentRegistry
+} from '../docregistry';
+import {
+ IDisposable, DisposableDelegate
+} from 'phosphor-disposable';
+import {
+ NotebookPanel
+} from '../notebook/notebook/panel';
+import {
+ Application
+} from 'phosphide/lib/core/application';
+import {
+ ToolbarButton
+} from '../notebook/notebook/toolbar';
+ * The plugin registration information.
+ */
+const widgetExtension = {
+ id: 'jupyter.extensions.newButton',
+ requires: [DocumentRegistry],
+ activate: activateExtension
+class ButtonExtension implements IWidgetExtension<NotebookPanel>{
+ /**
+ * Create a new extension object.
+ */
+ createNew(nb: NotebookPanel, model: IDocumentModel,
+ context: IDocumentContext): IDisposable {
+ let button = new ToolbarButton('myButton', () => {
+ // Action when button is pressed. We could modify
+ // the notebook, etc.
+ alert('hi');
+ }, 'Tooltip');
+ let i = document.createElement('i');
+ i.classList.add('fa', 'fa-diamond')
+ button.node.appendChild(i);
+ nb.toolbar.add('mybutton', button, 'cellType')
+ return new DisposableDelegate(() => {
+ button.dispose();
+ })
+ }
+ * Activate the extension.
+ */
+function activateExtension(app: Application, registry: DocumentRegistry) {
+ registry.registerExtension('Notebook', new ButtonExtension());
+Then add this extension to the JupyterLab extension list and relaunch JupyterLab:
+ require('jupyterlab/lib/mybutton/plugin').widgetExtension,
### The ipywidgets extension