
Merge pull request #8806 from blink1073/jhub-integration

Reinstate the labhubapp
Eric Charles 4 年之前
共有 4 個文件被更改,包括 514 次插入5 次删除
  1. 2 5
  2. 501 0
  3. 10 0
  4. 1 0

+ 2 - 5

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 JupyterLab on JupyterHub
 JupyterLab on JupyterHub
-JupyterLab works out of the box with JupyterHub, and can even run side by side
+JupyterLab works out of the box with JupyterHub 1.0+, and can even run side by side
 with the classic Notebook.
 with the classic Notebook.
 When JupyterLab is deployed with JupyterHub it will show additional menu
 When JupyterLab is deployed with JupyterHub it will show additional menu
@@ -19,15 +19,12 @@ Notebook (``/tree``) by default. To change the user's default user interface to
 JupyterLab, set the following configuration option in your
 JupyterLab, set the following configuration option in your
 :file:`jupyterhub_config.py` file::
 :file:`jupyterhub_config.py` file::
-    c.Spawner.default_url = '/lab'
+    c.Spawner.cmd=["jupyter-labhub"]
 In this configuration, users can still access the classic Notebook at ``/tree``,
 In this configuration, users can still access the classic Notebook at ``/tree``,
 by either typing that URL into the browser, or by using the "Launch Classic
 by either typing that URL into the browser, or by using the "Launch Classic
 Notebook" item in JupyterLab's Help menu.
 Notebook" item in JupyterLab's Help menu.
-For this to work, you will need to enable the jupyterlab server 
-extension with ``jupyter serverextension enable jupyterlab``.
 Example Configuration
 Example Configuration

+ 501 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import asyncio
+import os
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+from traitlets import (
+    Any,
+    Bool,
+    Bytes,
+    Integer,
+    Unicode,
+    CUnicode,
+    default,
+    observe,
+    validate,
+    TraitError,
+from jupyterhub.singleuser import (
+    dedent, exponential_backoff, make_ssl_context, url_path_join, _check_version, _exclude_home, 
+    ChoiceLoader, HubOAuth, JupyterHubLoginHandler, JupyterHubLogoutHandler
+from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient
+from tornado.httpclient import HTTPRequest
+from .labapp import LabApp, aliases as lab_aliases, flags as lab_flags
+from ._version import __version__
+# register new hub related command-line aliases
+aliases = dict(lab_flags)
+    {
+        'user': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.user',
+        'group': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.group',
+        'cookie-name': 'HubAuth.cookie_name',
+        'hub-prefix': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.hub_prefix',
+        'hub-host': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.hub_host',
+        'hub-api-url': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.hub_api_url',
+        'base-url': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.base_url',
+    }
+flags = dict(lab_flags)
+    {
+        'disable-user-config': (
+            {'SingleUserNotebookApp': {'disable_user_config': True}},
+            "Disable user-controlled configuration of the notebook server.",
+        )
+    }
+# FIXME: Use from jupyterhub.mixins import make_singleuser_app when available
+class SingleUserNotebookApp(LabApp):
+    """A Subclass of the regular LabApp that is aware of the parent multiuser context."""
+    description = dedent(
+        """
+    Single-user server for JupyterHub. Extends the Jupyter Notebook server.
+    Meant to be invoked by JupyterHub Spawners, and not directly.
+    """
+    )
+    examples = ""
+    subcommands = {}
+    version = __version__
+    classes = LabApp.classes + [HubOAuth]
+    # disable single-user app's localhost checking
+    allow_remote_access = True
+    # don't store cookie secrets
+    cookie_secret_file = ''
+    # always generate a new cookie secret on launch
+    # ensures that each spawn clears any cookies from previous session,
+    # triggering OAuth again
+    cookie_secret = Bytes()
+    def _cookie_secret_default(self):
+        return os.urandom(32)
+    user = CUnicode().tag(config=True)
+    group = CUnicode().tag(config=True)
+    @default('user')
+    def _default_user(self):
+        return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_USER') or ''
+    @default('group')
+    def _default_group(self):
+        return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_GROUP') or ''
+    @observe('user')
+    def _user_changed(self, change):
+        self.log.name = change.new
+    hub_host = Unicode().tag(config=True)
+    hub_prefix = Unicode('/hub/').tag(config=True)
+    @default('keyfile')
+    def _keyfile_default(self):
+        return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SSL_KEYFILE') or ''
+    @default('certfile')
+    def _certfile_default(self):
+        return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SSL_CERTFILE') or ''
+    @default('client_ca')
+    def _client_ca_default(self):
+        return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SSL_CLIENT_CA') or ''
+    @default('hub_prefix')
+    def _hub_prefix_default(self):
+        base_url = os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_BASE_URL') or '/'
+        return base_url + 'hub/'
+    hub_api_url = Unicode().tag(config=True)
+    @default('hub_api_url')
+    def _hub_api_url_default(self):
+        return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_API_URL') or ''
+    # defaults for some configurables that may come from service env variables:
+    @default('base_url')
+    def _base_url_default(self):
+        return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX') or '/'
+    # Note: this may be removed if notebook module is >= 5.0.0b1
+    @validate('base_url')
+    def _validate_base_url(self, proposal):
+        """ensure base_url starts and ends with /"""
+        value = proposal.value
+        if not value.startswith('/'):
+            value = '/' + value
+        if not value.endswith('/'):
+            value = value + '/'
+        return value
+    @default('port')
+    def _port_default(self):
+        if os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL'):
+            url = urlparse(os.environ['JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL'])
+            if url.port:
+                return url.port
+            elif url.scheme == 'http':
+                return 80
+            elif url.scheme == 'https':
+                return 443
+        return 8888
+    @default('ip')
+    def _ip_default(self):
+        if os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL'):
+            url = urlparse(os.environ['JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL'])
+            if url.hostname:
+                return url.hostname
+        return ''
+    aliases = aliases
+    flags = flags
+    # disble some single-user configurables
+    token = ''
+    open_browser = False
+    quit_button = False
+    trust_xheaders = True
+    login_handler_class = JupyterHubLoginHandler
+    logout_handler_class = JupyterHubLogoutHandler
+    port_retries = (
+        0  # disable port-retries, since the Spawner will tell us what port to use
+    )
+    disable_user_config = Bool(
+        False,
+        help="""Disable user configuration of single-user server.
+        Prevents user-writable files that normally configure the single-user server
+        from being loaded, ensuring admins have full control of configuration.
+        """,
+    ).tag(config=True)
+    @validate('notebook_dir')
+    def _notebook_dir_validate(self, proposal):
+        value = os.path.expanduser(proposal['value'])
+        # Strip any trailing slashes
+        # *except* if it's root
+        _, path = os.path.splitdrive(value)
+        if path == os.sep:
+            return value
+        value = value.rstrip(os.sep)
+        if not os.path.isabs(value):
+            # If we receive a non-absolute path, make it absolute.
+            value = os.path.abspath(value)
+        if not os.path.isdir(value):
+            raise TraitError("No such notebook dir: %r" % value)
+        return value
+    @default('log_datefmt')
+    def _log_datefmt_default(self):
+        """Exclude date from default date format"""
+        return "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+    @default('log_format')
+    def _log_format_default(self):
+        """override default log format to include time"""
+        return "%(color)s[%(levelname)1.1s %(asctime)s.%(msecs).03d %(name)s %(module)s:%(lineno)d]%(end_color)s %(message)s"
+    def _confirm_exit(self):
+        # disable the exit confirmation for background notebook processes
+        self.io_loop.add_callback_from_signal(self.io_loop.stop)
+    def migrate_config(self):
+        if self.disable_user_config:
+            # disable config-migration when user config is disabled
+            return
+        else:
+            super(SingleUserNotebookApp, self).migrate_config()
+    @property
+    def config_file_paths(self):
+        path = super(SingleUserNotebookApp, self).config_file_paths
+        if self.disable_user_config:
+            # filter out user-writable config dirs if user config is disabled
+            path = list(_exclude_home(path))
+        return path
+    @property
+    def nbextensions_path(self):
+        path = super(SingleUserNotebookApp, self).nbextensions_path
+        if self.disable_user_config:
+            path = list(_exclude_home(path))
+        return path
+    @validate('static_custom_path')
+    def _validate_static_custom_path(self, proposal):
+        path = proposal['value']
+        if self.disable_user_config:
+            path = list(_exclude_home(path))
+        return path
+    # create dynamic default http client,
+    # configured with any relevant ssl config
+    hub_http_client = Any()
+    @default('hub_http_client')
+    def _default_client(self):
+        ssl_context = make_ssl_context(
+            self.keyfile, self.certfile, cafile=self.client_ca
+        )
+        AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None, defaults={"ssl_options": ssl_context})
+        return AsyncHTTPClient()
+    async def check_hub_version(self):
+        """Test a connection to my Hub
+        - exit if I can't connect at all
+        - check version and warn on sufficient mismatch
+        """
+        client = self.hub_http_client
+        RETRIES = 5
+        for i in range(1, RETRIES + 1):
+            try:
+                resp = await client.fetch(self.hub_api_url)
+            except Exception:
+                self.log.exception(
+                    "Failed to connect to my Hub at %s (attempt %i/%i). Is it running?",
+                    self.hub_api_url,
+                    i,
+                    RETRIES,
+                )
+                await gen.sleep(min(2 ** i, 16))
+            else:
+                break
+        else:
+            self.exit(1)
+        hub_version = resp.headers.get('X-JupyterHub-Version')
+        _check_version(hub_version, __version__, self.log)
+    server_name = Unicode()
+    @default('server_name')
+    def _server_name_default(self):
+        return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SERVER_NAME', '')
+    hub_activity_url = Unicode(
+        config=True, help="URL for sending JupyterHub activity updates"
+    )
+    @default('hub_activity_url')
+    def _default_activity_url(self):
+        return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_ACTIVITY_URL', '')
+    hub_activity_interval = Integer(
+        300,
+        config=True,
+        help="""
+        Interval (in seconds) on which to update the Hub
+        with our latest activity.
+        """,
+    )
+    @default('hub_activity_interval')
+    def _default_activity_interval(self):
+        env_value = os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_ACTIVITY_INTERVAL')
+        if env_value:
+            return int(env_value)
+        else:
+            return 300
+    _last_activity_sent = Any(allow_none=True)
+    async def notify_activity(self):
+        """Notify jupyterhub of activity"""
+        client = self.hub_http_client
+        last_activity = self.web_app.last_activity()
+        if not last_activity:
+            self.log.debug("No activity to send to the Hub")
+            return
+        if last_activity:
+            # protect against mixed timezone comparisons
+            if not last_activity.tzinfo:
+                # assume naive timestamps are utc
+                self.log.warning("last activity is using naive timestamps")
+                last_activity = last_activity.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+        if self._last_activity_sent and last_activity < self._last_activity_sent:
+            self.log.debug("No activity since %s", self._last_activity_sent)
+            return
+        last_activity_timestamp = isoformat(last_activity)
+        async def notify():
+            self.log.debug("Notifying Hub of activity %s", last_activity_timestamp)
+            req = HTTPRequest(
+                url=self.hub_activity_url,
+                method='POST',
+                headers={
+                    "Authorization": "token {}".format(self.hub_auth.api_token),
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                },
+                body=json.dumps(
+                    {
+                        'servers': {
+                            self.server_name: {'last_activity': last_activity_timestamp}
+                        },
+                        'last_activity': last_activity_timestamp,
+                    }
+                ),
+            )
+            try:
+                await client.fetch(req)
+            except Exception:
+                self.log.exception("Error notifying Hub of activity")
+                return False
+            else:
+                return True
+        await exponential_backoff(
+            notify,
+            fail_message="Failed to notify Hub of activity",
+            start_wait=1,
+            max_wait=15,
+            timeout=60,
+        )
+        self._last_activity_sent = last_activity
+    async def keep_activity_updated(self):
+        if not self.hub_activity_url or not self.hub_activity_interval:
+            self.log.warning("Activity events disabled")
+            return
+        self.log.info(
+            "Updating Hub with activity every %s seconds", self.hub_activity_interval
+        )
+        while True:
+            try:
+                await self.notify_activity()
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception("Error notifying Hub of activity")
+            # add 20% jitter to the interval to avoid alignment
+            # of lots of requests from user servers
+            t = self.hub_activity_interval * (1 + 0.2 * (random.random() - 0.5))
+            await asyncio.sleep(t)
+    def initialize(self, argv=None):
+        # disable trash by default
+        # this can be re-enabled by config
+        self.config.FileContentsManager.delete_to_trash = False
+        return super().initialize(argv)
+    def start(self):
+        self.log.info("Starting jupyterhub-singleuser server version %s", __version__)
+        # start by hitting Hub to check version
+        ioloop.IOLoop.current().run_sync(self.check_hub_version)
+        ioloop.IOLoop.current().add_callback(self.keep_activity_updated)
+        super(SingleUserNotebookApp, self).start()
+    def init_hub_auth(self):
+        api_token = None
+        if os.getenv('JPY_API_TOKEN'):
+            # Deprecated env variable (as of 0.7.2)
+            api_token = os.environ['JPY_API_TOKEN']
+        if os.getenv('JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN'):
+            api_token = os.environ['JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN']
+        if not api_token:
+            self.exit(
+                "JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN env is required to run jupyterhub-singleuser. Did you launch it manually?"
+            )
+        self.hub_auth = HubOAuth(
+            parent=self,
+            api_token=api_token,
+            api_url=self.hub_api_url,
+            hub_prefix=self.hub_prefix,
+            base_url=self.base_url,
+            keyfile=self.keyfile,
+            certfile=self.certfile,
+            client_ca=self.client_ca,
+        )
+        # smoke check
+        if not self.hub_auth.oauth_client_id:
+            raise ValueError("Missing OAuth client ID")
+    def init_webapp(self):
+        # load the hub-related settings into the tornado settings dict
+        self.init_hub_auth()
+        s = self.tornado_settings
+        s['log_function'] = log_request
+        s['user'] = self.user
+        s['group'] = self.group
+        s['hub_prefix'] = self.hub_prefix
+        s['hub_host'] = self.hub_host
+        s['hub_auth'] = self.hub_auth
+        csp_report_uri = s['csp_report_uri'] = self.hub_host + url_path_join(
+            self.hub_prefix, 'security/csp-report'
+        )
+        headers = s.setdefault('headers', {})
+        headers['X-JupyterHub-Version'] = __version__
+        # set CSP header directly to workaround bugs in jupyter/notebook 5.0
+        headers.setdefault(
+            'Content-Security-Policy',
+            ';'.join(["frame-ancestors 'self'", "report-uri " + csp_report_uri]),
+        )
+        super(SingleUserNotebookApp, self).init_webapp()
+        # add OAuth callback
+        self.web_app.add_handlers(
+            r".*$",
+            [(urlparse(self.hub_auth.oauth_redirect_uri).path, OAuthCallbackHandler)],
+        )
+        # apply X-JupyterHub-Version to *all* request handlers (even redirects)
+        self.patch_default_headers()
+        self.patch_templates()
+    def patch_default_headers(self):
+        if hasattr(RequestHandler, '_orig_set_default_headers'):
+            return
+        RequestHandler._orig_set_default_headers = RequestHandler.set_default_headers
+        def set_jupyterhub_header(self):
+            self._orig_set_default_headers()
+            self.set_header('X-JupyterHub-Version', __version__)
+        RequestHandler.set_default_headers = set_jupyterhub_header
+    def patch_templates(self):
+        """Patch page templates to add Hub-related buttons"""
+        self.jinja_template_vars['logo_url'] = self.hub_host + url_path_join(
+            self.hub_prefix, 'logo'
+        )
+        self.jinja_template_vars['hub_host'] = self.hub_host
+        self.jinja_template_vars['hub_prefix'] = self.hub_prefix
+        env = self.web_app.settings['jinja2_env']
+        env.globals['hub_control_panel_url'] = self.hub_host + url_path_join(
+            self.hub_prefix, 'home'
+        )
+        # patch jinja env loading to modify page template
+        def get_page(name):
+            if name == 'page.html':
+                return page_template
+        orig_loader = env.loader
+        env.loader = ChoiceLoader([FunctionLoader(get_page), orig_loader])
+def main(argv=None):
+    return SingleUserNotebookApp.launch_instance(argv)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

+ 10 - 0

@@ -273,6 +273,16 @@ if [[ $GROUP == usage ]]; then
     kill $TASK_PID
     kill $TASK_PID
     wait $TASK_PID
     wait $TASK_PID
+    # Check the labhubapp
+    ./test_install/bin/pip install jupyterhub
+    ./test_install/bin/jupyter-labhub --no-browser &
+    TASK_PID=$!
+    # Make sure the task is running
+    ps -p $TASK_PID || exit 1
+    sleep 5
+    kill $TASK_PID
+    wait $TASK_PID
     # Make sure we can clean various bits of the app dir
     # Make sure we can clean various bits of the app dir
     jupyter lab clean
     jupyter lab clean
     jupyter lab clean --extensions
     jupyter lab clean --extensions

+ 1 - 0

@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ setup_args['entry_points'] = {
     'console_scripts': [
     'console_scripts': [
         'jupyter-lab = jupyterlab.labapp:main',
         'jupyter-lab = jupyterlab.labapp:main',
         'jupyter-labextension = jupyterlab.labextensions:main',
         'jupyter-labextension = jupyterlab.labextensions:main',
+        'jupyter-labhub = jupyterlab.labhubapp:main',
         'jlpm = jupyterlab.jlpmapp:main',
         'jlpm = jupyterlab.jlpmapp:main',
     'pytest11': [
     'pytest11': [