@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
+// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+import {
+ IWidgetExtension, IDocumentContext, IDocumentModel, DocumentRegistry
+} from 'jupyter-js-ui/lib/docmanager';
+import {
+ IDisposable, DisposableDelegate
+} from 'phosphor-disposable';
+import {
+ Widget
+} from 'phosphor-widget';
+import {
+ NotebookPanel
+} from 'jupyter-js-notebook/lib/notebook/panel';
+import {
+ Application
+} from 'phosphide/lib/core/application';
+import {
+ WidgetManager, WidgetRenderer
+} from 'jupyter-js-ui/lib/widgets';
+import {
+ IKernel
+} from 'jupyter-js-services';
+const WIDGET_MIMETYPE = 'application/vnd.jupyter.widget';
+ * The widget manager provider.
+ */
+const widgetManagerExtension = {
+ id: 'jupyter.extensions.widgetManager',
+ requires: [DocumentRegistry],
+ activate: activateWidgetExtension
+class IPyWidgetExtension implements IWidgetExtension<NotebookPanel>{
+ /**
+ * Create a new extension object.
+ */
+ createNew(nb: NotebookPanel, model: IDocumentModel,
+ context: IDocumentContext): IDisposable {
+ let wManager = new WidgetManager(context);
+ let wRenderer = new WidgetRenderer(wManager);
+ nb.content.rendermime.addRenderer(WIDGET_MIMETYPE, wRenderer, 0)
+ return new DisposableDelegate(() => {
+ nb.content.rendermime.removeRenderer(WIDGET_MIMETYPE);
+ wRenderer.dispose();
+ wManager.dispose();
+ })
+ }
+ * Activate the widget extension.
+ */
+function activateWidgetExtension(app: Application, registry: DocumentRegistry) {
+ registry.registerExtension('Notebook', new IPyWidgetExtension());