@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
-// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-'use strict';
-import {
- IContentsModel, IContentsManager, IContentsOpts, ICheckpointModel,
- IAjaxSettings, ContentsManager
-} from 'jupyter-js-services';
-class MockContentsManager implements IContentsManager {
- methods: string[] = [];
- DEFAULT_TEXT = 'the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog';
- /**
- * Create a file with default content.
- */
- createFile(path: string): void {
- let model = {
- name: path.split('/').pop(),
- path: path,
- type: 'file',
- content: this.DEFAULT_TEXT
- }
- this._files[path] = model;
- }
- /**
- * Get a path in the format it was saved or created in.
- */
- get(path: string, options?: IContentsOpts): Promise<IContentsModel> {
- this.methods.push('get');
- let model = this._files[path];
- if (!model) {
- return Promise.reject(new Error('Path not found'));
- }
- return Promise.resolve(this._copyModel(model));
- }
- newUntitled(path: string, options?: IContentsOpts): Promise<IContentsModel> {
- this.methods.push('newUntitled');
- options = options || {};
- let ext = options.ext || '';
- let name = options.name || `untitled${ext}`;
- path = `${path}/${name}`;
- let model = {
- name,
- path,
- format: options.format || 'text',
- type: options.type || 'file',
- content: options.content || this.DEFAULT_TEXT
- };
- this._files[path] = model;
- return Promise.resolve(this._copyModel(model));
- }
- delete(path: string): Promise<void> {
- this.methods.push('delete');
- delete this._files[path];
- return Promise.resolve(void 0);
- }
- rename(path: string, newPath: string): Promise<IContentsModel> {
- this.methods.push('rename');
- let model = this._files[path];
- if (!model) {
- return Promise.reject(new Error('Path not found'));
- }
- model.name = newPath.split('/').pop();
- model.path = newPath;
- delete this._files[path];
- this._files[newPath] = model;
- return Promise.resolve(model);
- }
- save(path: string, model: IContentsModel): Promise<IContentsModel> {
- this.methods.push('save');
- this._files[path] = this._copyModel(model);
- return Promise.resolve(model);
- }
- copy(path: string, toDir: string): Promise<IContentsModel> {
- this.methods.push('copy');
- let model = this._files[path];
- if (!model) {
- return Promise.reject(new Error('Path not found'));
- }
- let newModel = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(model)) as IContentsModel;
- newModel.path = `${toDir}/${model.name}`;
- this._files[newModel.path] = newModel;
- return Promise.resolve(newModel);
- }
- listContents(path: string): Promise<IContentsModel> {
- this.methods.push('listContents');
- let files: IContentsModel[] = [];
- for (let key of Object.keys(this._files)) {
- let model = this._files[key];
- let dname = model.path.slice(0, model.name.length);
- if (dname === path) {
- files.push(model);
- }
- }
- return Promise.resolve({
- name: path.split('/').pop(),
- path,
- type: 'directory',
- content: files
- });
- }
- createCheckpoint(path: string): Promise<ICheckpointModel> {
- this.methods.push('createCheckpoint');
- let fileModel = this._files[path];
- if (!fileModel) {
- return Promise.reject(new Error('Path not found'));
- }
- let checkpoints: ICheckpointModel[] = this._checkpoints[path] || [];
- let id = String(this._id++);
- let date = new Date(Date.now());
- let last_modified = date.toISOString();
- let model: ICheckpointModel = { id, last_modified };
- checkpoints.push(model);
- this._checkpoints[path] = checkpoints;
- this._fileSnaps[id] = this._copyModel(fileModel);
- return Promise.resolve(model);
- }
- listCheckpoints(path: string): Promise<ICheckpointModel[]> {
- this.methods.push('listCheckpoints');
- let checkpoints: ICheckpointModel[] = this._checkpoints[path] || [];
- return Promise.resolve(checkpoints);
- }
- restoreCheckpoint(path: string, checkpointID: string): Promise<void> {
- this.methods.push('restoreCheckpoint');
- this._files[path] = this._copyModel(this._fileSnaps[checkpointID]);
- return Promise.resolve(void 0);
- }
- deleteCheckpoint(path: string, checkpointID: string): Promise<void> {
- this.methods.push('deleteCheckpoint');
- delete this._fileSnaps[checkpointID];
- return Promise.resolve(void 0);
- }
- private _copyModel(model: IContentsModel): IContentsModel {
- return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(model)) as IContentsModel;
- }
- ajaxSettings: IAjaxSettings = {};
- private _files: { [key: string]: IContentsModel } = Object.create(null);
- private _checkpoints: { [key: string]: ICheckpointModel[] } = Object.create(null);
- private _fileSnaps: { [key: string]: IContentsModel } = Object.create(null);
- private _id = 0;