@@ -326,6 +326,71 @@ if [[ $GROUP == usage ]]; then
jupyter lab clean --all
+if [[ $GROUP == interop ]]; then
+ cd jupyterlab/tests/mock_packages/interop
+ # Install a source extension that depends on a prebuilt extension
+ pushd token
+ jupyter labextension link . --no-build
+ popd
+ pushd provider
+ jupyter labextension build .
+ pip install .
+ popd
+ pushd consumer
+ jupyter labextension install .
+ popd
+ jupyter labextension list 1>labextensions 2>&1
+ cat labextensions | grep -q "@jupyterlab/mock-consumer.*OK"
+ cat labextensions | grep -q "@jupyterlab/mock-provider.*OK"
+ python -m jupyterlab.browser_check
+ # Clear install
+ pip uninstall -y jlab_mock_provider
+ jupyter lab clean --all
+ # Install a prebuilt extension that depends on a source extension
+ pushd token
+ jupyter labextension link . --no-build
+ popd
+ pushd provider
+ jupyter labextension install .
+ popd
+ pushd consumer
+ jupyter labextension build .
+ pip install .
+ popd
+ jupyter labextension list 1>labextensions 2>&1
+ cat labextensions | grep -q "@jupyterlab/mock-consumer.*OK"
+ cat labextensions | grep -q "@jupyterlab/mock-provider.*OK"
+ python -m jupyterlab.browser_check
+ # Clear install
+ pip uninstall -y jlab_mock_consumer
+ jupyter lab clean --all
+ # Install the mock consumer as a source extension and as a
+ # prebuilt extension to test shadowing
+ pushd token
+ jupyter labextension link . --no-build
+ popd
+ pushd provider
+ jupyter labextension install . --no-build
+ popd
+ pushd consumer
+ # Need to install source first because it would get ignored
+ # if installed after
+ jupyter labextension install .
+ jupyter labextension build .
+ pip install .
+ popd
+ jupyter labextension list 1>labextensions 2>&1
+ cat labextensions | grep -q "@jupyterlab/mock-consumer.*OK"
+ cat labextensions | grep -q "@jupyterlab/mock-provider.*OK"
+ python -m jupyterlab.browser_check
if [[ $GROUP == nonode ]]; then
# Make sure we can install the wheel
virtualenv -p $(which python3) test_install