@@ -15,18 +15,19 @@ import platform
import shutil
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-node_root = os.path.join(here, 'jupyterlab')
+extension_root = os.path.join(here, 'jupyterlab')
is_repo = os.path.exists(os.path.join(here, '.git'))
-npm_path = os.pathsep.join([
- os.path.join(node_root, 'node_modules', '.bin'),
- os.environ.get('PATH', os.defpath),
+def run(cmd, cwd=None):
+ """Run a command
+ >>> run('npm install', cwd='./subdir')
+ """
+ check_call(cmd.split(), cwd=cwd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
from distutils import log
log.info('setup.py entered')
-log.info('$PATH=%s' % os.environ['PATH'])
LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'This is a very early pre-alpha developer preview. It is not ready for general usage yet.'
@@ -53,14 +54,11 @@ def js_prerelease(command, strict=False):
log.warn('rebuilding js and css failed (not a problem)')
- update_package_data(self.distribution)
return DecoratedCommand
def update_package_data(distribution):
- """update package_data to catch changes during setup"""
+ """update build_py options to get package_data changes"""
build_py = distribution.get_command_obj('build_py')
- # distribution.package_data = find_package_data()
- # re-init build_py options which load package_data
@@ -69,7 +67,8 @@ class NPM(Command):
user_options = []
- node_modules = os.path.join(node_root, 'node_modules')
+ node_modules = os.path.join(here, 'node_modules')
+ jlab_node_modules = os.path.join(extension_root, 'node_modules')
targets = [
os.path.join(here, 'jupyterlab', 'build', 'bundle.js'),
@@ -83,37 +82,28 @@ class NPM(Command):
def has_npm(self):
- check_call(['npm', '--version'])
+ run('npm --version')
return True
return False
- def should_run_npm_install(self):
- package_json = os.path.join(node_root, 'package.json')
- node_modules_exists = os.path.exists(self.node_modules)
- return self.has_npm()
def run(self):
has_npm = self.has_npm()
if not has_npm:
log.error("`npm` unavailable. If you're running this command using sudo, make sure `npm` is available to sudo")
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env['PATH'] = npm_path
- if self.should_run_npm_install():
+ if not os.path.exists(self.node_modules):
log.info("Installing build dependencies with npm. This may take a while...")
- # remove just jupyterlab so that it is always updated
- shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.node_modules, 'jupyterlab'), ignore_errors=True)
- check_call(['npm', 'install'], cwd=node_root, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
- check_call(['npm', 'run', 'build'], cwd=node_root, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
- os.utime(self.node_modules, None)
+ run('npm install', cwd=here)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.jlab_node_modules):
+ log.info("Installing extension build dependencies with npm. This may take a while...")
+ run('npm install', cwd=extension_root)
+ run('npm run build:serverextension')
for t in self.targets:
if not os.path.exists(t):
msg = 'Missing file: %s' % t
if not has_npm:
- msg += '\nnpm is required to build a development version of widgetsnbextension'
+ msg += '\nnpm is required to build the development version'
raise ValueError(msg)
# update package data in case this created new files