@@ -4,44 +4,196 @@
import expect = require('expect.js');
import {
- TooolbarItems
+ MimeData
+} from 'phosphor-dragdrop';
+import {
+ CodeCellWidget
+} from '../../../../lib/notebook/cells/widget';
+import {
+ JUPYTER_CELL_MIME, NotebookActions
+} from '../../../../lib/notebook/notebook/actions';
+import {
+ ToolbarItems
+} from '../../../../lib/notebook/notebook/default-toolbar';
+import {
+ NotebookModel
} from '../../../../lib/notebook/notebook/model';
+import {
+ NotebookPanel
+} from '../../../../lib/notebook/notebook/panel';
+import {
+ MockContext
+} from '../../docmanager/mockcontext';
+import {
+ defaultRenderMime
+} from '../../rendermime/rendermime.spec';
+import {
+} from '../utils';
+ * Default data.
+ */
+const rendermime = defaultRenderMime();
+const clipboard = new MimeData();
describe('notebook/notebook/default-toolbar', () => {
describe('TooolbarItems', () => {
+ let panel: NotebookPanel;
+ let context: MockContext<NotebookModel>;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ panel = new NotebookPanel({ rendermime, clipboard });
+ let model = new NotebookModel();
+ context = new MockContext<NotebookModel>(model);
+ context.changeKernel({ name: 'python' });
+ panel.context = context;
+ return panel;
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ panel.dispose();
+ });
describe('#createSaveButton()', () => {
+ it('should save when clicked', () => {
+ let button = ToolbarItems.createSaveButton(panel);
+ button.attach(document.body);
+ button.node.click();
+ expect(context.methods).to.contain('save');
+ button.dispose();
+ });
+ it("should have the `'jp-NBToolbar-save'` class", () => {
+ let button = ToolbarItems.createSaveButton(panel);
+ expect(button.hasClass('jp-NBToolbar-save')).to.be(true);
+ });
describe('#createInsertButton()', () => {
+ it('should insert below when clicked', () => {
+ let button = ToolbarItems.createInsertButton(panel);
+ button.attach(document.body);
+ button.node.click();
+ expect(panel.content.activeCellIndex).to.be(1);
+ expect(panel.content.activeCell).to.be.a(CodeCellWidget);
+ button.dispose();
+ });
+ it("should have the `'jp-NBToolbar-insert'` class", () => {
+ let button = ToolbarItems.createInsertButton(panel);
+ expect(button.hasClass('jp-NBToolbar-insert')).to.be(true);
+ });
describe('#createCutButton()', () => {
+ it('should cut when clicked', () => {
+ let button = ToolbarItems.createCutButton(panel);
+ let count = panel.content.childCount();
+ button.attach(document.body);
+ button.node.click();
+ expect(panel.content.childCount()).to.be(count - 1);
+ expect(clipboard.hasData(JUPYTER_CELL_MIME)).to.be(true);
+ button.dispose();
+ });
+ it("should have the `'jp-NBToolbar-cut'` class", () => {
+ let button = ToolbarItems.createCutButton(panel);
+ expect(button.hasClass('jp-NBToolbar-cut')).to.be(true);
+ });
describe('#createCopyButton()', () => {
+ it('should copy when clicked', () => {
+ let button = ToolbarItems.createCopyButton(panel);
+ let count = panel.content.childCount();
+ button.attach(document.body);
+ button.node.click();
+ expect(panel.content.childCount()).to.be(count);
+ expect(clipboard.hasData(JUPYTER_CELL_MIME)).to.be(true);
+ button.dispose();
+ });
+ it("should have the `'jp-NBToolbar-copy'` class", () => {
+ let button = ToolbarItems.createCopyButton(panel);
+ expect(button.hasClass('jp-NBToolbar-copy')).to.be(true);
+ });
describe('#createPasteButton()', () => {
+ it('should paste when clicked', () => {
+ let button = ToolbarItems.createPasteButton(panel);
+ let count = panel.content.childCount();
+ button.attach(document.body);
+ NotebookActions.copy(panel.content, clipboard);
+ button.node.click();
+ expect(panel.content.childCount()).to.be(count + 1);
+ button.dispose();
+ });
+ it("should have the `'jp-NBToolbar-paste'` class", () => {
+ let button = ToolbarItems.createPasteButton(panel);
+ expect(button.hasClass('jp-NBToolbar-paste')).to.be(true);
+ });
describe('#createRunButton()', () => {
+ it('should run and advance when clicked', () => {
+ });
+ it("should have the `'jp-NBToolbar-run'` class", () => {
+ });
describe('#createInterruptButton()', () => {
+ it('should interrupt the kernel when clicked', () => {
+ });
+ it("should have the `'jp-NBToolbar-interrupt'` class", () => {
+ });
describe('#createRestartButton()', () => {
+ it('should restart the kernel when clicked', () => {
+ });
+ it("should have the `'jp-NBToolbar-restart'` class", () => {
+ });
describe('#createCellTypeItem()', () => {