@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
+// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
+// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+'use strict';
+import {
+ IContentsModel, IKernelId, IContentsOpts, IKernel,
+ IContentsManager, INotebookSessionManager,
+ IKernelSpecIds, ISessionId
+} from 'jupyter-js-services';
+import {
+ IDisposable, DisposableDelegate
+} from 'phosphor-disposable';
+import {
+ Message
+} from 'phosphor-messaging';
+import {
+ PanelLayout
+} from 'phosphor-panel';
+import {
+ ISignal
+} from 'phosphor-signaling';
+import {
+ Widget
+} from 'phosphor-widget';
+import {
+ showDialog
+} from '../dialog';
+import {
+ IWidgetOpener
+} from '../filebrowser/browser';
+import {
+ ContextManager
+} from './context';
+ * The class name added to a document container widgets.
+ */
+const DOCUMENT_CLASS = 'jp-DocumentWidget';
+ * The interface for a document model.
+ */
+interface IDocumentModel extends IDisposable {
+ /**
+ * A signal emitted when the document content changes.
+ */
+ contentChanged: ISignal<IDocumentModel, any>;
+ /**
+ * A signal emitted when the model dirty state changes.
+ */
+ dirtyChanged: ISignal<IDocumentModel, boolean>;
+ /**
+ * The dirty state of the model.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This should be cleared when the document is loaded from
+ * or saved to disk.
+ */
+ dirty: boolean;
+ /**
+ * The read-only state of the model.
+ */
+ readOnly: boolean;
+ /**
+ * The default kernel name of the document.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This is a read-only property.
+ */
+ defaultKernelName: string;
+ /**
+ * The default kernel language of the document.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This is a read-only property.
+ */
+ defaultKernelLanguage: string;
+ /**
+ * Serialize the model to a string.
+ */
+ toString(): string;
+ /**
+ * Deserialize the model from a string.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * Should emit a [contentChanged] signal.
+ */
+ fromString(value: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Serialize the model to JSON.
+ */
+ toJSON(): any;
+ /**
+ * Deserialize the model from JSON.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * Should emit a [contentChanged] signal.
+ */
+ fromJSON(value: any): void;
+ * The document context object.
+ */
+export interface IDocumentContext extends IDisposable {
+ /**
+ * The unique id of the context.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This is a read-only property.
+ */
+ id: string;
+ /**
+ * The current kernel associated with the document.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This is a read-only propery.
+ */
+ kernel: IKernel;
+ /**
+ * The current path associated with the document.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This is a read-only property.
+ */
+ path: string;
+ /**
+ * The current contents model associated with the document
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This is a read-only property. The model will have an
+ * empty `contents` field.
+ */
+ contentsModel: IContentsModel;
+ /**
+ * Get the kernel spec information.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This is a read-only property.
+ */
+ kernelSpecs: IKernelSpecIds;
+ /**
+ * A signal emitted when the kernel changes.
+ */
+ kernelChanged: ISignal<IDocumentContext, IKernel>;
+ /**
+ * A signal emitted when the path changes.
+ */
+ pathChanged: ISignal<IDocumentContext, string>;
+ /**
+ * Change the current kernel associated with the document.
+ */
+ changeKernel(options: IKernelId): Promise<IKernel>;
+ /**
+ * Save the document contents to disk.
+ */
+ save(): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Save the document to a different path.
+ */
+ saveAs(path: string): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Revert the document contents to disk contents.
+ */
+ revert(): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Get the list of running sessions.
+ */
+ listSessions(): Promise<ISessionId[]>;
+ /**
+ * Add a sibling widget to the document manager.
+ *
+ * @param widget - The widget to add to the document manager.
+ *
+ * @returns A disposable used to remove the sibling if desired.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * It is assumed that the widget has the same model and context
+ * as the original widget.
+ */
+ addSibling(widget: Widget): IDisposable;
+ * The options used to register a widget factory.
+ */
+interface IWidgetFactoryOptions {
+ /**
+ * The file extensions the widget can view.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * Use `'.*'` to denote all file extensions
+ * or give the actual extension (e.g. `'.txt'`).
+ */
+ fileExtensions: string[];
+ /**
+ * The name of the widget to display in dialogs.
+ */
+ displayName: string;
+ /**
+ * The registered name of the model type used to create the widgets.
+ */
+ modelName: string;
+ /**
+ * The file extensions for which the factory should be the default.
+ * #### Notes
+ * Use `'.*'` to denote all file extensions
+ * or give the actual extension (e.g. `'.txt'`).
+ */
+ defaultFor?: string[];
+ /**
+ * Whether the widgets prefer having a kernel started.
+ */
+ preferKernel?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Whether the widgets can start a kernel when opened.
+ */
+ canStartKernel?: boolean;
+ * The interface for a widget factory.
+ */
+interface IWidgetFactory<T extends Widget> extends IDisposable {
+ /**
+ * Create a new widget.
+ */
+ createNew(model: IDocumentModel, context: IDocumentContext, kernel?: IKernelId): T;
+ /**
+ * Take an action on a widget before closing it.
+ *
+ * @returns A promise that resolves to true if the document should close
+ * and false otherwise.
+ */
+ beforeClose(model: IDocumentModel, context: IDocumentContext, widget: Widget): Promise<boolean>;
+ * The options used to register a model factory.
+ */
+interface IModelFactoryOptions {
+ /**
+ * The name of the model factory.
+ */
+ name: string;
+ /**
+ * The contents options used to fetch/save files.
+ */
+ contentsOptions: IContentsOpts;
+ * The interface for a model factory.
+ */
+interface IModelFactory extends IDisposable {
+ /**
+ * Create a new model for a given path.
+ *
+ * @param languagePreference - An optional kernel language preference.
+ *
+ * @returns A new document model.
+ */
+ createNew(languagePreference?: string): IDocumentModel;
+ /**
+ * Get the preferred kernel language given a path.
+ */
+ preferredLanguage(path: string): string;
+ * A kernel preference for a given file path and widget.
+ */
+interface IKernelPreference {
+ /**
+ * The preferred kernel language.
+ */
+ language: string;
+ /**
+ * Whether to prefer having a kernel started when opening.
+ */
+ preferKernel: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Whether a kernel when can be started when opening.
+ */
+ canStartKernel: boolean;
+ * The document manager.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * The document manager is used to register model and widget creators,
+ * and the file browser uses the document manager to create widgets. The
+ * document manager maintains a context for each path and model type that is
+ * open, and a list of widgets for each context. The document manager is in
+ * control of the proper closing and disposal of the widgets and contexts.
+ */
+class DocumentManager implements IDisposable {
+ /**
+ * Construct a new document manager.
+ */
+ constructor(contentsManager: IContentsManager, sessionManager: INotebookSessionManager, kernelSpecs: IKernelSpecIds, opener: IWidgetOpener) {
+ this._contentsManager = contentsManager;
+ this._sessionManager = sessionManager;
+ this._contextManager = new ContextManager(contentsManager, sessionManager, kernelSpecs, (id: string, widget: Widget) => {
+ let parent = this._createWidget('', id);
+ parent.setContent(widget);
+ opener.open(parent);
+ return new DisposableDelegate(() => {
+ parent.close();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get whether the document manager has been disposed.
+ */
+ get isDisposed(): boolean {
+ return this._contentsManager === null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dispose of the resources held by the document manager.
+ */
+ dispose(): void {
+ if (this.isDisposed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (let modelName in this._modelFactories) {
+ this._modelFactories[modelName].factory.dispose();
+ }
+ this._modelFactories = null;
+ for (let widgetName in this._widgetFactories) {
+ this._widgetFactories[widgetName].factory.dispose();
+ }
+ this._widgetFactories = null;
+ for (let id in this._widgets) {
+ for (let widget of this._widgets[id]) {
+ widget.dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ this._widgets = null;
+ this._contentsManager = null;
+ this._sessionManager = null;
+ this._contextManager.dispose();
+ this._contextManager = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register a widget factory with the document manager.
+ *
+ * @param factory - The factory instance.
+ *
+ * @param options - The options used to register the factory.
+ *
+ * @returns A disposable used to unregister the factory.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * If a factory with the given `displayName` is already registered,
+ * an error will be thrown.
+ * If `'.*'` is given as a default extension, the factory will be registered
+ * as the global default.
+ * If a factory is already registered as a default for a given extension or
+ * as the global default, this factory will override the existing default.
+ */
+ registerWidgetFactory(factory: IWidgetFactory<Widget>, options: IWidgetFactoryOptions): IDisposable {
+ let name = options.displayName;
+ let exOpt = options as Private.IWidgetFactoryEx;
+ exOpt.factory = factory;
+ if (this._widgetFactories[name]) {
+ throw new Error(`Duplicate registered factory ${name}`);
+ }
+ this._widgetFactories[name] = exOpt;
+ if (options.defaultFor) {
+ for (let option of options.defaultFor) {
+ if (option === '.*') {
+ this._defaultWidgetFactory = name;
+ } else if (option in options.fileExtensions) {
+ this._defaultWidgetFactories[option] = name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new DisposableDelegate(() => {
+ delete this._widgetFactories[name];
+ if (this._defaultWidgetFactory === name) {
+ this._defaultWidgetFactory = '';
+ }
+ for (let opt of Object.keys(this._defaultWidgetFactories)) {
+ let n = this._defaultWidgetFactories[opt];
+ if (n === name) {
+ delete this._defaultWidgetFactories[opt];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register a model factory.
+ *
+ * @param factory - The factory instance.
+ *
+ * @param options - The options used to register the factory.
+ *
+ * @returns A disposable used to unregister the factory.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * If a factory with the given `name` is already registered, an error
+ * will be thrown.
+ */
+ registerModelFactory(factory: IModelFactory, options: IModelFactoryOptions): IDisposable {
+ let exOpt = options as Private.IModelFactoryEx;
+ let name = options.name;
+ exOpt.factory = factory;
+ if (this._modelFactories[name]) {
+ throw new Error(`Duplicate registered factory ${name}`);
+ }
+ this._modelFactories[name] = exOpt;
+ return new DisposableDelegate(() => {
+ delete this._modelFactories[name];
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the list of registered widget factory display names.
+ *
+ * @param path - An optional file path to filter the results.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * The first item in the list is considered the default.
+ */
+ listWidgetFactories(path?: string): string[] {
+ path = path || '';
+ let ext = '.' + path.split('.').pop();
+ let factories: string[] = [];
+ let options: Private.IWidgetFactoryEx;
+ let name = '';
+ // If an extension was given, filter by extension.
+ // Make sure the modelFactory is registered.
+ if (ext.length > 1) {
+ if (ext in this._defaultWidgetFactories) {
+ name = this._defaultWidgetFactories[ext];
+ options = this._widgetFactories[name];
+ if (options.modelName in this._modelFactories) {
+ factories.push(name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the rest of the valid widgetFactories that can open the path.
+ for (name in this._widgetFactories) {
+ if (factories.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ options = this._widgetFactories[name];
+ if (!(options.modelName in this._modelFactories)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let exts = options.fileExtensions;
+ if ((ext in exts) || ('.*' in exts)) {
+ factories.push(name);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the default widget if it was not already added.
+ name = this._defaultWidgetFactory;
+ if (name && factories.indexOf(name) === -1) {
+ options = this._widgetFactories[name];
+ if (options.modelName in this._modelFactories) {
+ factories.push(name);
+ }
+ }
+ return factories;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the kernel preference.
+ */
+ getKernelPreference(path: string, widgetName: string): IKernelPreference {
+ let widgetFactoryEx = this._getWidgetFactoryEx(widgetName);
+ let modelFactoryEx = this._getModelFactoryEx(widgetName);
+ let language = modelFactoryEx.factory.preferredLanguage(path);
+ return {
+ language,
+ preferKernel: widgetFactoryEx.preferKernel,
+ canStartKernel: widgetFactoryEx.canStartKernel
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open a file and return the widget used to display the contents.
+ *
+ * @param path - The file path to open.
+ *
+ * @param widgetName - The name of the widget factory to use.
+ *
+ * @param kernel - An optional kernel name/id to override the default.
+ */
+ open(path: string, widgetName='default', kernel?: IKernelId): Widget {
+ if (widgetName === 'default') {
+ widgetName = this.listWidgetFactories(path)[0];
+ }
+ let mFactoryEx = this._getModelFactoryEx(widgetName);
+ if (!mFactoryEx) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let widget: DocumentWidget;
+ // Use an existing context if available.
+ let id = this._contextManager.findContext(path, mFactoryEx.name);
+ if (id) {
+ widget = this._createWidget(widgetName, id);
+ this._populateWidget(widget, kernel);
+ return widget;
+ }
+ let lang = mFactoryEx.factory.preferredLanguage(path);
+ let model = mFactoryEx.factory.createNew(lang);
+ id = this._contextManager.createNew(path, model, mFactoryEx);
+ widget = this._createWidget(widgetName, id);
+ // Load the contents from disk.
+ this._contextManager.revert(id).then(() => {
+ this._populateWidget(widget, kernel);
+ });
+ return widget;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a new file of the given name.
+ *
+ * @param path - The file path to use.
+ *
+ * @param widgetName - The name of the widget factory to use.
+ *
+ * @param kernel - An optional kernel name/id to override the default.
+ */
+ createNew(path: string, widgetName='default', kernel?: IKernelId): Widget {
+ if (widgetName === 'default') {
+ widgetName = this.listWidgetFactories(path)[0];
+ }
+ let mFactoryEx = this._getModelFactoryEx(widgetName);
+ if (!mFactoryEx) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let lang = mFactoryEx.factory.preferredLanguage(path);
+ let model = mFactoryEx.factory.createNew(lang);
+ let id = this._contextManager.createNew(path, model, mFactoryEx);
+ let widget = this._createWidget(widgetName, id);
+ // Save the contents to disk to get a valid contentsModel for the
+ // context.
+ this._contextManager.save(id).then(() => {
+ this._populateWidget(widget, kernel);
+ });
+ return widget;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle the renaming of an open document.
+ *
+ * @param oldPath - The previous path.
+ *
+ * @param newPath - The new path.
+ */
+ handleRename(oldPath: string, newPath: string): void {
+ this._contextManager.rename(oldPath, newPath);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle a file deletion.
+ */
+ handleDelete(path: string): void {
+ // TODO: Leave all of the widgets open and flag them as orphaned?
+ }
+ /**
+ * See if a widget already exists for the given path and widget name.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This can be used to use an existing widget instead of opening
+ * a new widget.
+ */
+ findWidget(path: string, widgetName='default'): Widget {
+ let ids = this._contextManager.getIdsForPath(path);
+ if (widgetName === 'default') {
+ widgetName = this._defaultWidgetFactory;
+ }
+ for (let id of ids) {
+ for (let widget of this._widgets[id]) {
+ if (widget.name === widgetName) {
+ return widget;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clone a widget.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This will create a new widget with the same model and context
+ * as this widget.
+ */
+ clone(widget: DocumentWidget): DocumentWidget {
+ let parent = this._createWidget(widget.name, widget.context.id);
+ this._populateWidget(parent);
+ return parent;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close the widgets associated with a given path.
+ */
+ closeFile(path: string): void {
+ let ids = this._contextManager.getIdsForPath(path);
+ for (let id of ids) {
+ let widgets: DocumentWidget[] = this._widgets[id] || [];
+ for (let w of widgets) {
+ w.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close all of the open documents.
+ */
+ closeAll(): void {
+ for (let id in this._widgets) {
+ for (let w of this._widgets[id]) {
+ w.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a container widget and handle its lifecycle.
+ */
+ private _createWidget(name: string, id: string): DocumentWidget {
+ let factory = this._widgetFactories[name].factory;
+ let widget = new DocumentWidget(name, id, this._contextManager, factory, this._widgets);
+ if (!(id in this._widgets)) {
+ this._widgets[id] = [];
+ }
+ this._widgets[id].push(widget);
+ return widget;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a content widget and add it to the container widget.
+ */
+ private _populateWidget(parent: DocumentWidget, kernel?: IKernelId): void {
+ let factory = this._widgetFactories[parent.name].factory;
+ let id = parent.context.id;
+ let model = this._contextManager.getModel(id);
+ let context = this._contextManager.getContext(id);
+ let child = factory.createNew(model, context, kernel);
+ parent.setContent(child);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the appropriate widget factory by name.
+ */
+ private _getWidgetFactoryEx(widgetName: string): Private.IWidgetFactoryEx {
+ let options: Private.IWidgetFactoryEx;
+ if (widgetName === 'default') {
+ options = this._widgetFactories[this._defaultWidgetFactory];
+ } else {
+ options = this._widgetFactories[widgetName];
+ }
+ return options;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the appropriate model factory given a widget factory.
+ */
+ private _getModelFactoryEx(widgetName: string): Private.IModelFactoryEx {
+ let wFactoryEx = this._getWidgetFactoryEx(widgetName);
+ if (!wFactoryEx) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return this._modelFactories[wFactoryEx.modelName];
+ }
+ private _modelFactories: { [key: string]: Private.IModelFactoryEx } = Object.create(null);
+ private _widgetFactories: { [key: string]: Private.IWidgetFactoryEx } = Object.create(null);
+ private _defaultWidgetFactory = '';
+ private _defaultWidgetFactories: { [key: string]: string } = Object.create(null);
+ private _widgets: { [key: string]: DocumentWidget[] } = Object.create(null);
+ private _contentsManager: IContentsManager = null;
+ private _sessionManager: INotebookSessionManager = null;
+ private _contextManager: ContextManager = null;
+ * A container widget for documents.
+ */
+class DocumentWidget extends Widget {
+ /**
+ * Construct a new document widget.
+ */
+ constructor(name: string, id: string, manager: ContextManager, factory: IWidgetFactory<Widget>, widgets: { [key: string]: DocumentWidget[] }) {
+ super();
+ this.addClass(DOCUMENT_CLASS);
+ this.layout = new PanelLayout();
+ this._name = name;
+ this._id = id;
+ this._manager = manager;
+ this._widgets = widgets;
+ this.title.closable = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the name of the widget.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This is a read-only property.
+ */
+ get name(): string {
+ return this._name;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The context for the widget.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This is a read-only property.
+ */
+ get context(): IDocumentContext {
+ return this._manager.getContext(this._id);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Bring up a dialog to select a kernel.
+ */
+ selectKernel(): Promise<IKernel> {
+ // TODO: the dialog should take kernel information only,
+ // and return kernel information. We then change the
+ // kernel in the context.
+ return void 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dispose of the resources held by the widget.
+ */
+ dispose(): void {
+ if (this.isDisposed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Remove the widget from the widget registry.
+ let id = this._id;
+ let index = this._widgets[id].indexOf(this);
+ this._widgets[id].splice(index, 1);
+ // Dispose of the context if this is the last widget using it.
+ if (!this._widgets[id].length) {
+ this._manager.removeContext(id);
+ }
+ this._manager = null;
+ this._factory = null;
+ this._widgets = null;
+ super.dispose();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the child the widget.
+ *
+ * #### Notes
+ * This function is not intended to be called by user code.
+ */
+ setContent(child: Widget): void {
+ let layout = this.layout as PanelLayout;
+ if (layout.childAt(0)) {
+ throw new Error('Content already set');
+ }
+ this.title.text = child.title.text;
+ this.title.icon = child.title.icon;
+ this.title.className = child.title.className;
+ // Mirror this title based on the child.
+ child.title.changed.connect(() => {
+ this.title.text = child.title.text;
+ this.title.icon = child.title.icon;
+ this.title.className = child.title.className;
+ });
+ // Add the child widget to the layout.
+ (this.layout as PanelLayout).addChild(child);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle `'close-request'` messages.
+ */
+ protected onCloseRequest(msg: Message): void {
+ let model = this._manager.getModel(this._id);
+ let layout = this.layout as PanelLayout;
+ let child = layout.childAt(0);
+ // Handle dirty state.
+ this._maybeClose(model.dirty).then(result => {
+ if (result) {
+ // Let the widget factory handle closing.
+ return this._factory.beforeClose(model, this.context, child);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }).then(result => {
+ if (result) {
+ // Perform close tasks.
+ return this._actuallyClose();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }).then(result => {
+ if (result) {
+ // Dispose of document widgets when they are closed.
+ this.dispose();
+ }
+ }).catch(() => {
+ this.dispose();
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Ask the user whether to close an unsaved file.
+ */
+ private _maybeClose(dirty: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
+ // Bail if the model is not dirty or other widgets are using the model.
+ let widgets = this._widgets[this._id];
+ if (!dirty || widgets.length > 1) {
+ return Promise.resolve(true);
+ }
+ return showDialog({
+ title: 'Close without saving?',
+ body: `File "${this.title.text}" has unsaved changes, close without saving?`,
+ host: this.node
+ }).then(value => {
+ if (value && value.text === 'OK') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Perform closing tasks for the widget.
+ */
+ private _actuallyClose(): Promise<boolean> {
+ // Check for a dangling kernel.
+ let widgets = this._widgets[this._id];
+ let kernelId = this.context.kernel ? this.context.kernel.id : '';
+ if (!kernelId || widgets.length > 1) {
+ return Promise.resolve(true);
+ }
+ for (let id in this._widgets) {
+ for (let widget of this._widgets[id]) {
+ let kId = widget.context.kernel || widget.context.kernel.id;
+ if (widget !== this && kId === kernelId) {
+ return Promise.resolve(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return showDialog({
+ title: 'Shut down kernel?',
+ body: `Shut down ${this.context.kernel.name}?`,
+ host: this.node
+ }).then(value => {
+ if (value && value.text === 'OK') {
+ return this.context.kernel.shutdown();
+ }
+ }).then(() => {
+ return true;
+ });
+ }
+ private _manager: ContextManager = null;
+ private _factory: IWidgetFactory<Widget> = null;
+ private _id = '';
+ private _name = '';
+ private _widgets: { [key: string]: DocumentWidget[] } = null;
+ * A private namespace for DocumentManager data.
+ */
+namespace Private {
+ /**
+ * An extended interface for a model factory and its options.
+ */
+ export
+ interface IModelFactoryEx extends IModelFactoryOptions {
+ factory: IModelFactory;
+ }
+ /**
+ * An extended interface for a widget factory and its options.
+ */
+ export
+ interface IWidgetFactoryEx extends IWidgetFactoryOptions {
+ factory: IWidgetFactory<Widget>;
+ }