# json-extension A JupyterLab extension for rendering JSON as a tree ![demo](http://g.recordit.co/mqve0QPqyM.gif) This extension is in the official JupyterLab distribution. ## Usage To render [JSON-able dict or list](https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/3/api/generated/IPython.display.html#IPython.display.JSON) in IPython: ```python from IPython.display import JSON JSON({ "string": "string", "array": [1, 2, 3], "bool": True, "object": { "foo": "bar" } }) ``` To render a fully expanded tree: ```python JSON({ "string": "string", "array": [1, 2, 3], "bool": True, "object": { "foo": "bar" } }, expanded=True) ``` To render a `.json` file, simply open it: ## Development See the [JupyterLab Contributor Documentation](https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/blob/3.4.x/CONTRIBUTING.md).