# JupyterLab Services Javascript client for the Jupyter services REST APIs [API Docs](http://jupyterlab.github.io/jupyterlab/) [REST API Docs](http://petstore.swagger.io/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter/notebook/master/notebook/services/api/api.yaml) Note: All functions and classes using the REST API allow a `serverSettings` parameter to configure requests. Requests are made using the `fetch` API, which is available in modern browsers or via `npm install fetch` for node users. The `whatwg-fetch` npm package can be used to polyfill browsers that do not support the `fetch` API. ## Package Install **Prerequisites** - [node](http://nodejs.org/) - [python](https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/) ```bash npm install --save @jupyterlab/services conda install notebook # notebook 4.3+ required ``` ## Source Build **Prerequisites** See the [building instructions for JupyterLab](../../CONTRIBUTING.md), which will build this module as part of the build process. **Rebuild** ```bash yarn run clean yarn run build ``` ## Run Tests Follow the source build instructions first. ```bash yarn run test ``` ## Build Docs Follow the source build instructions first. ```bash yarn run docs ``` Navigate to `docs/index.html`. ## Supported Runtimes The runtime versions which should work are listed below. Earlier versions may also work, but come with no guarantees. - Node 10 - Firefox 52+ - Chrome 55+ Note: "requirejs" may need be included in a global context for `Comm` targets using the a `target_module` (in the classic Notebook). This can be as a `