.. _notebook: Notebooks ========= Jupyter notebooks are documents that combine live runnable code with narrative text (Markdown), equations (LaTeX), images, interactive visualizations and other rich output: .. image:: images/notebook/notebook_ui.png :align: center :class: jp-screenshot **Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb files) are fully supported in JupyterLab.** The `notebook document format `__ used in JupyterLab is the same as in the classic Jupyter Notebook. Your existing notebooks should open correctly in JupyterLab. If they don’t, please open an issue on our `GitHub issues `__ page. .. _create-notebook: Create a notebook by clicking the ``+`` button in the file browser and then selecting a kernel in the new Launcher tab: .. raw:: html .. _rename-file: A new file is created with a default name. Rename a file by right-clicking on its name in the file browser and selecting “Rename” from the context menu: .. raw:: html The user interface for notebooks in JupyterLab closely follows that of the classic Jupyter Notebook. The keyboard shortcuts of the classic Notebook continue to work (with command and edit mode). However, a number of new things are possible with notebooks in JupyterLab. .. _drag-drop: Drag and drop cells to rearrange your notebook: .. raw:: html .. _drag-copy: Drag cells between notebooks to quickly copy content: .. raw:: html .. _multiple-views: Create multiple synchronized views of a single notebook: .. raw:: html .. _collapse-code: Collapse and expand code and output using the View menu or the blue collapser button on left of each cell: .. raw:: html .. _enable-scrolling: Enable scrolling for long outputs by right-clicking on a cell and selecting “Enable Scrolling for Outputs”: .. raw:: html .. _cell-output-mirror: Create a new synchronized view of a cell’s output: .. raw:: html .. _tab-completion: Tab completion (activated with the ``Tab`` key) can now include additional information about the types of the matched items: .. raw:: html Note: IPython 6.3.1 has temporarily disabled type annotations. To re-enable them, add ``c.Completer.use_jedi = True`` to an `ipython_config.py `__ file. .. _tooltip: The tooltip (activated with ``Shift Tab``) contains additional information about objects: .. raw:: html .. _create-console: You can connect a :ref:`code console ` to a notebook kernel to have a log of computations done in the kernel, in the order in which they were done. The attached code console also provides a place to interactively inspect kernel state without changing the notebook. Right-click on a notebook and select “New Console for Notebook”: .. raw:: html