.. _documents: Documents ========= JupyterLab can be extended in several ways: - **Extensions (top level)**: Application extensions extend the functionality of JupyterLab itself, and we cover them in the :ref:`developer_extensions`. - **Document widget extensions (lower level):** Document widget extensions extend the functionality of document widgets added to the application, and we cover them in this section. For this section, the term 'document' refers to any visual thing that is backed by a file stored on disk (i.e. uses Contents API). Overview of document architecture --------------------------------- A 'document' in JupyterLab is represented by a model instance implementing the `IModel <../api/interfaces/docregistry.documentregistry.imodel.html>`__ interface. The model interface is intentionally fairly small, and concentrates on representing the data in the document and signaling changes to that data. Each model has an associated `context <../api/interfaces/docregistry.documentregistry.icontext.html>`__ instance as well. The context for a model is the bridge between the internal data of the document, stored in the model, and the file metadata and operations possible on the file, such as save and revert. Since many objects will need both the context and the model, the context contains a reference to the model as its `.model` attribute. A single file path can have multiple different models (and hence different contexts) representing the file. For example, a notebook can be opened with a notebook model and with a text model. Different models for the same file path do not directly communicate with each other. Models contain an instance of `ModelDB <../api/classes/observables.modeldb-1.html>`__ that acts as data storage for the model's content. In JupyterLab 3.1, we introduced the package ``@jupyterlab/shared-models`` to swap ``ModelDB`` as a data storage to make 'documents' collaborative. We implemented these shared models using `Yjs `_, a high-performance CRDT for building collaborative applications that automatically sync. At the moment, models contain both a ``ModelDB`` and a ``Shared Model`` instance, so it is possible to access ``ModelDB`` yet. `Document widgets <../api/classes/docregistry.documentregistry-1.html>`__ represent a view of a document model. There can be multiple document widgets associated with a single document model, and they naturally stay in sync with each other since they are views on the same underlying data model. `Shared Models <../api/interfaces/shared_models.ishareddocument.html>`__ are models using Yjs’ shared types as a data structures instead of ``ModelDB``. The `Document Registry <../api/classes/docregistry.documentregistry-1.html>`__ is where document types and factories are registered. Plugins can require a document registry instance and register their content types and providers. The `Document Manager <../api/classes/docmanager.documentmanager-1.html>`__ uses the Document Registry to create models and widgets for documents. The Document Manager handles the lifecycle of documents for the application. The `Document Provider <../api/classes/docprovider.websocketproviderwithlocks-1.html>`__ is a WebSocket provider that syncs documents through a new end-point (``api/yjs``) in the JupyterLab server. `Providers `_ abstract Yjs from the network technology your application uses. They sync Yjs documents through a communication protocol or a database. Most providers have in common that they use the concept of room names to connect Yjs documents. Document Registry ----------------- *Document widget extensions* in the JupyterLab application can register: - file types - model factories for specific file types - widget factories for specific model factories - widget extension factories `Widget Factories <../api/classes/docregistry.documentregistry-1.html#addwidgetfactory>`__ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create a widget for a given file. *Example* - The notebook widget factory that creates NotebookPanel widgets. `Model Factories <../api/classes/docregistry.documentregistry-1.html#addmodelfactory>`__ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create a model for a given file. Models are generally differentiated by the contents options used to fetch the model (e.g. text, base64, notebook). `Widget Extension Factories <../api/classes/docregistry.documentregistry-1.html#addwidgetextension>`__ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Adds additional functionality to a widget type. An extension instance is created for each widget instance, enabling the extension to add functionality to each widget or observe the widget and/or its context. *Examples* - The ipywidgets extension that is created for NotebookPanel widgets. - Adding a button to the toolbar of each NotebookPanel widget. `File Types <../api/classes/docregistry.documentregistry-1.html#addfiletype>`__ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Document Models <../api/interfaces/docregistry.documentregistry.imodel.html>`__ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Created by the model factories and passed to widget factories and widget extension factories. Models are the way in which we interact with the data of a document. For a simple text file, we typically only use the ``to/fromString()`` methods. A more complex document like a Notebook contains more points of interaction like the Notebook metadata. `Document Contexts <../api/interfaces/docregistry.documentregistry.icontext.html>`__ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Created by the Document Manager and passed to widget factories and widget extensions. The context contains the model as one of its properties so that we can pass a single object around. They are used to provide an abstracted interface to the session and Contents API from ``@jupyterlab/services`` for the given model. They can be shared between widgets. The reason for a separate context and model is so that it is easy to create model factories and the heavy lifting of the context is left to the Document Manager. Contexts are not meant to be subclassed or re-implemented. Instead, the contexts are intended to be the glue between the document model and the wider application. Shared Models ------------- The shared-models package contains an `ISharedNotebook <../api/interfaces/shared_models.isharednotebook.html>`_ and an `ISharedFile <../api/interfaces/shared_models.isharedfile.html>`_ which are the abstract interfaces to work against if you want to manipulate a notebook or a file. These models wrap a `Yjs document (Y.Doc) `_ which represents a shared document between clients and hold multiple shared objects. They enable you to share different `data types like text, Array, Map or set `_, to make different types of collaborative applications. In addition, a shared model has an `Awareness `_ attribute. This attribute is linked to the *Y.Doc* which means there is one *Awareness* object per document and is used for sharing cursor locations and presence information. Document Manager ---------------- The *Document Manager* handles: - document models - document contexts The *File Browser* uses the *Document Manager* to open documents and manage them.