

Galata is a set of helpers and fixtures for JupyterLab UI Testing using [Playwright Test Runner]( that provides: - **[Rich High Level API](src/jupyterlabpage.ts)** to control and inspect JupyterLab UI programmatically - **[Dedicated fixtures](src/fixtures.ts)** to hooks the helpers in the Playwright Page and ensure state isolation between tests. ## Getting Started ### Installation Add Galata to your project: ```bash jlpm add -D @jupyterlab/galata # Install playwright supported browser jlpm playwright install ``` Create a Playwright configuration file `playwright.config.js` containing: ```js module.exports = require('@jupyterlab/galata/lib/playwright-config'); ``` ### First test Create `ui-tests/foo.spec.ts` to define your test. ```typescript import { expect, test } from '@jupyterlab/galata'; test.describe('Notebook Tests', () => { test('Create New Notebook', async ({ page, tmpPath }) => { const fileName = 'create_test.ipynb'; await page.notebook.createNew(fileName); expect( await page.waitForSelector(`[role="main"] >> text=${fileName}`) ).toBeTruthy(); expect(await page.contents.fileExists(`${tmpPath}/${fileName}`)).toEqual( true ); }); }); ``` This will create a notebook, open it and check it exists. ### Launch JupyterLab Before running the test, you will need to launch the JupyterLab server with some specific options. Create `` with the following content. ```py from tempfile import mkdtemp c.ServerApp.port = 8888 c.ServerApp.port_retries = 0 c.ServerApp.open_browser = False c.ServerApp.root_dir = mkdtemp(prefix='galata-test-') c.ServerApp.token = "" c.ServerApp.password = "" c.ServerApp.disable_check_xsrf = True c.LabApp.expose_app_in_browser = True ``` Then start the server with: ```bash jupyter lab --config ``` ### Run test project ```bash jlpm playwright test ``` Galata should generate console output similar to following ```bash Using config at .../playwright.config.js Running 1 test using 1 worker ✓ ui-tests/foo.spec.ts:5:3 › Notebook Tests Create New Notebook (13s) 1 passed (15s) ``` Playwright Test just ran a test using Chromium browser, in a headless manner. You can use headed browser to see what is going on during the test: ```bash jlpm playwright test --headed ``` Test assets (including test videos) will be saved in a `test-results` folder and by default a HTML report will be created in `playwright-report` folder. That report can be see by running: ```bash http-server ./playwright-report -a localhost -o ``` ## User advices ### Create tests To create tests, the easiest way is to use the code generator tool of playwright: ``` jupyter lab --config & jlpm playwright codegen localhost:8888 ``` ### Debug tests To debug tests, a good way is to use the inspector tool of playwright: ``` jupyter lab --config & PWDEBUG=1 jlpm playwright test ``` ## Fixtures Here are the new test fixture introduced by Galata on top of [Playwright fixtures]( ### baseURL - type: < string > Application base URL without `/lab`. It defaults to environment variable `TARGET_URL` or `http://localhost:8888` if nothing is defined. ### appPath - type: < string > Application URL path fragment; default `"/lab"` ### autoGoto - type: < boolean > Whether to go to JupyterLab page within the fixture or not; default `true`. If set to `false`, it allows you to add route mock before loading JupyterLab. Example: ```ts test.use({ autoGoto: false }); test('Open language menu', async ({ page }) => { await page.route(/.*\/api\/translation.*/, (route, request) => { if (request.method() === 'GET') { return route.fulfill({ status: 200, body: '{"data": {"en": {"displayName": "English", "nativeName": "English"}}, "message": ""}' }); } else { return route.continue(); } }); await page.goto(); // ... }); ``` ### serverFiles - type: <'on' | 'off' | 'only-on-failure'> Galata can keep the uploaded and created files in `tmpPath` on the server root for debugging purpose. By default the files are kept on failure. - 'off' - `tmpPath` is deleted after each tests - 'on' - `tmpPath` is never deleted - 'only-on-failure' - `tmpPath` is deleted except if a test failed or timed out. ### mockState - type: < boolean | Record > Mock JupyterLab state in-memory or not. Possible values are: - true (default): JupyterLab state will be mocked on a per test basis - false: JupyterLab state won't be mocked (Be careful it will write state in local files) - Record: Initial JupyterLab data state - Mapping (state key, value). By default the state is stored in-memory. Example: ```ts test.use({ mockState: { 'layout-restorer:data': { main: { dock: { type: 'tab-area', currentIndex: 0, widgets: [] } }, down: { size: 0, widgets: [] }, left: { collapsed: false, visible: true, current: 'running-sessions', widgets: [ 'filebrowser', 'jp-property-inspector', 'running-sessions', '@jupyterlab/toc:plugin', 'debugger-sidebar', 'extensionmanager.main-view' ] }, right: { collapsed: true, visible: true, widgets: [] }, relativeSizes: [0.4, 0.6, 0] } } as any }); test('should return the mocked state', async ({ page }) => { expect( await page.waitForSelector( '[aria-label="Running Sessions section"] >> text=Open Tabs' ) ).toBeTruthy(); }); ``` ### mockSettings - type: < boolean | Record > Mock JupyterLab settings in-memory or not. Possible values are: - true: JupyterLab settings will be mocked on a per test basis - false: JupyterLab settings won't be mocked (Be careful it will read & write settings local files) - Record: Mapping {pluginId: settings} that will be default user settings The default value is `galata.DEFAULT_SETTINGS` By default the settings are stored in-memory. However the they are still initialized with the hard drive values. Example: ```ts test.use({ mockSettings: { ...galata.DEFAULT_SETTINGS, '@jupyterlab/apputils-extension:themes': { theme: 'JupyterLab Dark' } } }); test('should return mocked settings', async ({ page }) => { expect(await page.theme.getTheme()).toEqual('JupyterLab Dark'); }); ``` ### sessions - type: | null> Sessions created during the test. Possible values are: - null: The sessions API won't be mocked - Map: The sessions created during a test. By default the sessions created during a test will be tracked and disposed at the end. Example: ```ts test('should return the active sessions', async ({ page, sessions }) => { await page.notebook.createNew(); // Wait for the poll to tick await page.waitForResponse( async response => response.url().includes('api/sessions') && response.request().method() === 'GET' && ((await response.json()) as any[]).length === 1 ); expect(sessions.size).toEqual(1); // You can introspect the sessions.values()[0] if needed }); ``` ### terminals - type: < Map | null > Terminals created during the test. Possible values are: - null: The Terminals API won't be mocked - Map: The Terminals created during a test. By default the Terminals created during a test will be tracked and disposed at the end. Example: ```ts test('should return the active terminals', async ({ page, terminals }) => { await Promise.all([ page.waitForResponse( response => response.request().method() === 'POST' && response.url().includes('api/terminals') ),'File>New>Terminal') ]); // Wait for the poll to tick await page.waitForResponse( async response => response.url().includes('api/terminals') && response.request().method() === 'GET' && ((await response.json()) as any[]).length === 1 ); expect(terminals.size).toEqual(1); // You can introspect the [...terminals.values()][0] if needed }); ``` ### tmpPath - type: < string > Unique test temporary path created on the server. Note: if you override this string, you will need to take care of creating the folder and cleaning it. Example: ```ts test.use({ tmpPath: 'test-toc' }); test.describe.serial('Table of Contents', () => { test.beforeAll(async ({ baseURL, tmpPath }) => { const contents = galata.newContentsHelper(baseURL); await contents.uploadFile( path.resolve(__dirname, `./notebooks/${fileName}`), `${tmpPath}/${fileName}` ); }); test.afterAll(async ({ baseURL, tmpPath }) => { const contents = galata.newContentsHelper(baseURL); await contents.deleteDirectory(tmpPath); }); }); ``` ## Benchmark Benchmark of JupyterLab is done using Playwright. The actions measured are: - Opening a file - Switching from the file to a simple text file - Switching back to the file - Closing the file Two files are tested: a notebook with many code cells and another with many markdown cells. The test is run on the CI by comparing the result in the commit at which a PR branch started and the PR branch head on the same CI job to ensure using the same hardware. The benchmark job is triggered on: - Approved PR review - PR review that contains the sentence `please run benchmark` The tests are located in the subfolder [test/benchmark](./test/benchmark). And they can be executed with the following command: ```bash jlpm run test:benchmark ``` A special report will be generated in the folder `benchmark-results` that will contain 4 files: - `lab-benchmark.json`: The execution time of the tests and some metadata. - ``: A report in Markdown - `lab-benchmark.png`: A comparison of execution time distribution - `lab-benchmark.vl.json`: The [_Vega-Lite_]( description used to produce the PNG file. The reference, tagged _expected_, is stored in `lab-benchmark-expected.json`. It can be updated using the `-u` option of Playwright; i.e. `jlpm run test:benchmark -u`. ### Benchmark parameters The benchmark can be customized using the following environment variables: - `BENCHMARK_NUMBER_SAMPLES`: Number of samples to compute the execution time distribution; default 20. - `BENCHMARK_OUTPUTFILE`: Benchmark result output file; default `benchmark.json`. It is overridden in the [`playwright-benchmark.config.js`](playwright-benchmark.config.js). - `BENCHMARK_REFERENCE`: Reference name of the data; default is `actual` for current data and `expected` for the reference. ## Development ### Build Install dependencies and build ``` cd galata jlpm jlpm run build ``` For tests to be run, a JupyterLab instance must be up and running. Launch it without credentials. Tests expect to connect JupyterLab from `localhost:8888` by default. If a different URL is to be used, it can be specified by defining `TARGET_URL` environment variable or setting the Playwright `baseURL` fixture. ``` jlpm run start ``` > The JupyterLab root directory is randomly generated in the temporary folder (prefixed with _galata-test-_). ### Running tests Tests are grouped in two projects: `galata` and `jupyterlab`. The first one is testing Galata helpers and fixtures when the other one is running all tests for Jupyterlab. By default, both projects will be executed when running `jlpm run test`. But you can select one project with the CLI option `--project `. ## Configuration Galata can be configured by using [command line arguments]( or using [`playwright.config.js` file]( Full list of config options can be accessed using `jlpm playwright test --help`. ### Custom benchmark report By default, Galata will generate a text report in the form of `markdown` table and a [_Vega-Lite_]( graph of execution time distribution. Users can customize these reports in two ways: - Using `playwright.config.js` file: in `reporter` section, users can supply two functions `vegaLiteConfigFactory` and `textReportFactory` to the reporter's constructor options. These functions will be used to create [Vega-Lite configuration]( (`vegaLiteConfigFactory`) or to create a text report (`textReportFactory`) from test records. ```javascript // An example of `playwright.config.js` with customized builder reporter: [ ..., [ '@jupyterlab/galata/lib/benchmarkReporter', { outputFile: 'lab-benchmark.json', vegaLiteConfigFactory: ( allData: Array, // All test records comparison?: 'snapshot' | 'project'// Logic of test comparisons:'snapshot' or 'project' - default 'snapshot'. ) => { // Return a Vega-Lite graph configuration object return {}; } textReportFactory: ( allData: Array, // All test records comparison?: 'snapshot' | 'project'// Logic of test comparisons:'snapshot' or 'project' - default 'snapshot'. ) => { // Return a promise of with the tuple [report content, file extension] return Promise.resolve(['My report content', 'md']); } } ], ... ] ``` - The second way to customize the reports is to override the default text report factory (`defaultTextReportFactory`) and Vega-Lite graph config factory (`defaultVegaLiteConfigFactory`) of `BenchmarkReporter` class in a sub-class and then use it as a reporter in `playwright.config.js` file. ## Reference Image Captures Reference image are saved next to test files in `-snapshots` folders. If a reference screenshots does not exist, it will be generated at the first execution of a test. You can also update them by running `jlpm playwright test --update-snapshots`. ## About Galata Name Galata framework is named after [Galata Tower]( in Istanbul. Centuries ago, Galata Tower was used to spot fires in the city. Tower was also used as astronomical observatory in the past. ## Acknowledgement Development of this project began under [Bloomberg]( organization by [Mehmet Bektas](, then it was transferred to [JupyterLab]( organization. We gratefully acknowledge **Bloomberg** for the generous contribution and supporting open-source software community.