// Type definitions for expect.js 0.2.0 // Project: https://github.com/LearnBoost/expect.js // Definitions by: Teppei Sato // Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped declare function expect(target?: any): Expect.Root; declare module Expect { interface Assertion { /** * Check if the value is truthy */ ok(): void; /** * Assert that the function throws. * * @param fn callback to match error string against */ throwError(fn?: (exception: any) => void): void; /** * Assert that the function throws. * * @param fn callback to match error string against */ throwException(fn?: (exception: any) => void): void; /** * Assert that the function throws. * * @param regexp regexp to match error string against */ throwError(regexp: RegExp): void; /** * Assert that the function throws. * * @param fn callback to match error string against */ throwException(regexp: RegExp): void; /** * Checks if the array is empty. */ empty(): Assertion; /** * Checks if the obj exactly equals another. */ equal(obj: any): Assertion; /** * Checks if the obj sortof equals another. */ eql(obj: any): Assertion; /** * Assert within start to finish (inclusive). * * @param start * @param finish */ within(start: number, finish: number): Assertion; /** * Assert typeof. */ a(type: string): Assertion; /** * Assert instanceof. */ a(type: Function): Assertion; /** * Assert typeof / instanceof. */ an: An; /** * Assert numeric value above n. */ greaterThan(n: number): Assertion; /** * Assert numeric value above n. */ above(n: number): Assertion; /** * Assert numeric value below n. */ lessThan(n: number): Assertion; /** * Assert numeric value below n. */ below(n: number): Assertion; /** * Assert string value matches regexp. * * @param regexp */ match(regexp: RegExp): Assertion; /** * Assert property "length" exists and has value of n. * * @param n */ length(n: number): Assertion; /** * Assert property name exists, with optional val. * * @param name * @param val */ property(name: string, val?: any): Assertion; /** * Assert that string contains str. */ contain(str: string): Assertion; string(str: string): Assertion; /** * Assert that the array contains obj. */ contain(obj: any): Assertion; string(obj: any): Assertion; /** * Assert exact keys or inclusion of keys by using the `.own` modifier. */ key(keys: string[]): Assertion; /** * Assert exact keys or inclusion of keys by using the `.own` modifier. */ key(...keys: string[]): Assertion; /** * Assert exact keys or inclusion of keys by using the `.own` modifier. */ keys(keys: string[]): Assertion; /** * Assert exact keys or inclusion of keys by using the `.own` modifier. */ keys(...keys: string[]): Assertion; /** * Assert a failure. */ fail(message?: string): Assertion; } interface Root extends Assertion { not: Not; to: To; only: Only; have: Have; be: Be; } interface Be extends Assertion { /** * Checks if the obj exactly equals another. */ (obj: any): Assertion; an: An; } interface An extends Assertion { /** * Assert typeof. */ (type: string): Assertion; /** * Assert instanceof. */ (type: Function): Assertion; } interface Not extends Expect.NotBase { to: Expect.ToBase; } interface NotBase extends Assertion { be: Be; have: Have; include: Assertion; only: Only; } interface To extends Expect.ToBase { not: Expect.NotBase; } interface ToBase extends Assertion { be: Be; have: Have; include: Assertion; only: Only; } interface Only extends Assertion { have: Have; } interface Have extends Assertion { own: Assertion; } } declare module "expect.js" { export = expect; }