#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. set -ex set -o pipefail # Building should work without yarn installed globally, so uninstall the # global yarn installed by default. sudo rm -rf $(which yarn) ! yarn # create jupyter base dir (needed for config retrieval) mkdir ~/.jupyter # Install and enable the server extension pip install -q --upgrade pip pip --version # Show a verbose install if the install fails, for debugging pip install -e ".[test]" || pip install -v -e ".[test]" jlpm versions jlpm config current jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyterlab if [[ $GROUP == integrity ]]; then pip install notebook==4.3.1 fi if [[ $GROUP == nonode ]]; then # Build the wheel python setup.py bdist_wheel # Remove NodeJS, twice to take care of system and locally installed node versions. sudo rm -rf $(which node) sudo rm -rf $(which node) ! node fi