.. _language: Localization and language ========================= Staring with version 3.0, JupyterLab provides the ability to set the display language of the user interface. Language packs -------------- To be able to provide a new display language, you will need to install a language pack. Visit the `language packs repository `__ for a list of available packs. Installing """""""""" Language packs are identified by the four letter code of the language and variant they provide. For example, for Simplified Chinese the language pack code is ``zh-CN`` and you can install it with ``conda`` or ``pip``. If you use conda with conda-forge packages: .. code:: bash conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab-language-pack-zh-CN If you use Pip: .. code:: bash pip install jupyterlab-language-pack-zh-CN Changing the display language ----------------------------- To change the interface language, select the Settings menu and then select the desired language in the Language submenu. The Language submenu will only list any previously installed language packs. .. image:: images/language_settings.png :align: center :class: jp-screenshot Selecting the new language will prompt for confirmation. .. image:: images/language_change.png :align: center :class: jp-screenshot Once you accept, the browser will refresh and the interface will now be shown, for this example in Simplified Chinese. .. image:: images/language_chinese.png :align: center :class: jp-screenshot