بدون توضیح

faricacarroll 07f3527812 Update launcher.md 8 سال پیش
design 07f3527812 Update launcher.md 8 سال پیش
examples 62b668fbb4 wip update filebrowser interfaces 8 سال پیش
git-hooks e0473680ce Simplify build step and update documents. 8 سال پیش
jupyterlab ecf2dcbc9b Update jupyter-js-services and associated apis 8 سال پیش
scripts 8d286d190b Disable jekyll 8 سال پیش
src 73dd960c5f Merge pull request #181 from blink1073/filebrowser-options 8 سال پیش
test e7d6d504fb more cleanup and bump services dependency for mock kernel 8 سال پیش
tutorial 0f0de6ca21 Remove the document wrapper in favor of a private document widget manager 8 سال پیش
typings ecf2dcbc9b Update jupyter-js-services and associated apis 8 سال پیش
.gitignore 76f69bc7ff Add JupyterLab python package infrastructure to build the Jupyter extension. 8 سال پیش
.travis.yml dfe5e5a4f2 Add docs push 8 سال پیش
CONTRIBUTING.md 3936452a12 Update the style guide link 8 سال پیش
LICENSE f2a4b8d992 Merge jupyter-js-notebook repo 8 سال پیش
MANIFEST.in 76f69bc7ff Add JupyterLab python package infrastructure to build the Jupyter extension. 8 سال پیش
README.md fd30fd1418 Add missing word 8 سال پیش
jupyter-plugins-demo.gif 1baa71ee22 Update demo and add static picture 9 سال پیش
jupyter_plugins.png 1baa71ee22 Update demo and add static picture 9 سال پیش
package.json e7d6d504fb more cleanup and bump services dependency for mock kernel 8 سال پیش
readthedocs.yml 98a2b037fe Fix directory for conda environment 8 سال پیش
setup.py f1ceb2ac68 Make shell=True only on windows, where it’s needed. 8 سال پیش
tslint.json 5cc5e87bdb Add tslint file 8 سال پیش



An extensible computational environment for Jupyter.

This is a very early pre-alpha developer preview and not suitable for general usage yet. Features and implementation are subject to change.

With JupyterLab, you can create a computational environment for Jupyter that meets your workflow needs. Here's a quick preview of JupyterLab:

JupyterLab Demo

Getting started


Jupyter notebook version 4.2 or later

User installation

Install JupyterLab from the command line:

pip install jupyterlab
jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyterlab

Start up JupyterLab with the command:

jupyter lab

JupyterLab should open automatically in your browser. You can also access it by opening a browser to the notebook server's URL (e.g., http://localhost:8888).


Development of JupyterLab

The remainder of this document provides information for individuals that are developing JupyterLab.


  • Jupyter notebook version 4.2 or later
  • npm (preferably version 5 or later)


First fork the JupyterLab repo in the GitHub UI. Then clone the repo locally and building using these commands:

git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/jupyterlab.git
cd jupyterlab
npm install
pip install -e . # will take a long time to build everything
jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyterlab

Run JupyterLab

Start up Jupyterlab with the command:

jupyter lab

Open a browser to the notebook server's URL (e.g., http://localhost:8888).

Run Tests

Follow the source build instructions first. Enter:

npm test

Build and Run the Examples

To install and build the examples in the examples directory:

  • Follow the source build instructions first.
  • Requires a Python install with the Jupyter notebook (version 4.2 or later).
  • Run the command:
npm run build:examples

To run an example:

  • Change into the specific example's directory in the examples directory
  • run python main.py

Build API Docs

Follow the source build instructions first. Enter:

npm run docs

Navigate to docs/index.html.

High level Architecture

The JupyterLab application is made up of two major parts:

  • an npm package
  • a Jupyter server extension (Python package)

Each part is named jupyterlab. The developer tutorial documentation provides additional architecture information.

The NPM Package

The npm package source files are in the src/ subdirectory.


  • node (preferably version 5 or later)
  • Jupyter notebook server version 4.2 or later (to run examples)
npm install --save jupyterlab

Build the NPM Package from Source

git clone https://github.com/jupyter/jupyterlab.git
cd jupyterlab
npm install
npm run build:all


npm run clean
npm run build:all

The Jupyter Server Extension

The Jupyter server extension source files are in the jupyterlab/ subdirectory. To use this extension, you need the Jupyter notebook server version 4.2 or later.

Build the JupyterLab server extension

When you make a change to JupyterLab npm package source files, run:

npm run build:serverextension

to build the changes and refresh your browser to see the changes.

To have the system build after each change to the source files, run:

npm run watch:serverextension

and refresh the browser after each successful update.

Bundle for the Browser

Follow the package install instructions first.

Any bundler that understands how to require() files with .js and .css extensions can be used with this package.

Note: This npm module is fully compatible with Node/Babel/ES6/ES5. Simply omit the type declarations when using a language other than TypeScript.

Supported Runtimes

The runtime versions which are currently known to work are listed below. Earlier versions may also work, but come with no guarantees.

  • IE 11+
  • Firefox 32+
  • Chrome 38+

Note: "requirejs" must be included in a global context (usually as a <script> tag) for Comm targets.

Publishing packages for a JupyterLab release

We publish an npm package, a pypi source package, and a pypi universal binary wheel.

npm version patch
git push origin master --tags
npm publish
python setup.py sdist upload
python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal upload