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- // Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
- // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
- import {
- Session,
- SessionAPI,
- KernelManager,
- SessionManager
- } from '@jupyterlab/services';
- import { log } from './log';
- export async function main() {
- log('Starting session manager');
- const kernelManager = new KernelManager();
- const sessionManager = new SessionManager({ kernelManager });
- log('Start a new session');
- const options: Session.ISessionOptions = {
- kernel: {
- name: 'python'
- },
- path: 'foo.ipynb',
- type: 'notebook',
- name: 'foo.ipynb'
- };
- const sessionConnection = await sessionManager.startNew(options);
- log('Change the session path to "bar.ipynb"');
- await sessionConnection.setPath('bar.ipynb');
- log('Execute "a=1"');
- const future = sessionConnection.kernel.requestExecute({ code: 'a = 1' });
- future.onReply = reply => {
- log(`Got execute reply with status ${reply.content.status}`);
- };
- await future.done;
- log('Shut down session');
- await sessionConnection.shutdown();
- log('Get a list of session models and connect to one if any exist');
- const sessionModels = await SessionAPI.listRunning();
- if (sessionModels.length > 0) {
- const session = sessionManager.connectTo({ model: sessionModels[0] });
- log(`Connected to ${session.kernel.name}`);
- }
- }