123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin');
- const merge = require('webpack-merge').default;
- const WPPlugin = require('@jupyterlab/builder').WPPlugin;
- const config = require('./webpack.config');
- config[0] = merge(config[0], {
- mode: 'production',
- devtool: 'source-map',
- output: {
- // Add version argument when in production so the Jupyter server
- // allows caching of files (i.e., does not set the CacheControl header to no-cache to prevent caching static files)
- filename: '[name].[contenthash].js?v=[contenthash]'
- },
- optimization: {
- minimize: true,
- minimizer: [
- new TerserPlugin({
- parallel: true,
- sourceMap: true,
- terserOptions: {
- compress: false,
- ecma: 6,
- mangle: true,
- output: {
- beautify: false,
- comments: false
- },
- safari10: true
- },
- cache: process.platform !== 'win32'
- })
- ]
- },
- plugins: [
- new WPPlugin.JSONLicenseWebpackPlugin({
- excludedPackageTest: packageName =>
- packageName === '@jupyterlab/application-top'
- })
- ]
- });
- module.exports = config;