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General Codebase Orientation

The jupyter/jupyterlab repository contains two packages:

  • an npm package indicated by a package.json file in the repo's root directory
  • a Python package indicated by a file in the repo's root directory

Th npm package and the Python package are both named jupyterlab.


NPM package: src/, lib/, typings/, scripts/

  • src/: the source typescript files.
    • npm run build builds the source files into javascript files in lib/.
    • npm run clean deletes the lib/ directory.
  • typings/: type definitions for external libraries that typescript needs.
  • scripts/: various scripts that the npm commands invoke.

Examples: examples/

The examples/ directory contains a few stand-alone examples of components in the package, such as a simple notebook on a page, a console, terminal, filebrowser, etc.

Testing: test/

The tests are stored and run in the test/ directory. The source files are in test/src/.

Notebook extension: jupyterlab/

The jupyterlab/ directory contains the Jupyter server extension.

The server extension includes a private npm package in order to build the webpack bundle which the extension serves. The private npm package depends on the jupyterlab npm package found in the repo's root directory.

Git hooks: git-hooks/

The git-hooks/ directory stores some convenience git hooks that automatically rebuild the npm package and server extension every time you check out or merge (via pull request or direct push to master) in the git repo.

Documentation: docs/

After building the docs (npm run docs), docs/index.html is the entry point to the documentation.

Development Quickstart

Note: See the README for the most up to date instructions as well as added details.

All the instructions below assume you are in the root directory of the repository.

Build, install and run the development version

To build and install a development version of the server extension, do:

pip install -e .

This command will build the npm package, build and webpack the server extension javascript, and install the appropriate links into your python environment.

To enable the server extension, do:

jupyter serverextension enable --sys-prefix --py jupyterlab

after installation. Then start up JupyterLab with:

jupyter lab

Rebuild JavaScript

To rebuild the javascript for both the JupyterLab source and the server extension, run:

npm run build:all

To rebuild JupyterLab source only, run:

npm run build:src

To have the system rebuild the JupyterLab source automatically after every change to the typescript source files, run:

npm run watch:src

To rebuild the javascript for only the server extension, run:

npm run build:serverextension

To have the system do both automatically after every change to the typescript source files, run:

npm run watch

and refresh your browser after each successful update.

Build npm package

To build just the jupyterlab npm package, run:

npm install
npm run build

Run tests

To run the tests, build the npm package and run tests:

npm install
npm run build
npm test

Build documentation

To build the docs:

npm run docs

and go to docs/index.html. An automatically-generated version of the docs is hosted at