2 years ago | |
scripts | 2 years ago | |
templates | 2 years ago | |
.helmignore | 2 years ago | |
Chart.yaml | 2 years ago | |
Makefile | 2 years ago | |
README.md | 2 years ago | |
server.crt | 2 years ago | |
server.key | 2 years ago | |
server.crt | 2 years ago | |
server.key | 2 years ago | |
values.yaml | 2 years ago |
By installing this application, you accept the End User License Agreement & Terms & Conditions.
Rancher is open source software that combines everything an organization needs to adopt and run containers in production. Built on Kubernetes, Rancher makes it easy for DevOps teams to test, deploy and manage their applications.
This chart bootstraps a Rancher Server on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. For a Rancher Supported Deployment please follow our HA install instructions.
*For installations covered under Rancher Support SLA the target cluster must be RKE or K3s.*
Make sure the node(s) for the Rancher server fulfill the following requirements:
Operating Systems and Docker Requirements Hardware Requirements
Install the Required CLI Tools
For a list of best practices that we recommend for running the Rancher server in production, refer to the best practices section.
For production environments, we recommend installing Rancher in a high-availability Kubernetes installation so that your user base can always access Rancher Server. When installed in a Kubernetes cluster, Rancher will integrate with the cluster’s etcd database and take advantage of Kubernetes scheduling for high-availability.
Optional: Installing Rancher on a Single-node Kubernetes Cluster
Use helm repo add command to add the Helm chart repository that contains charts to install Rancher. For more information about the repository choices and which is best for your use case, see Choosing a Version of Rancher.
helm repo add rancher-latest https://releases.rancher.com/server-charts/latest
We’ll need to define a Kubernetes namespace where the resources created by the Chart should be installed. This should always be cattle-system:
kubectl create namespace cattle-system
The Rancher management server is designed to be secure by default and requires SSL/TLS configuration.
There are three recommended options for the source of the certificate used for TLS termination at the Rancher server:
This step is only required to use certificates issued by Rancher’s generated CA (ingress.tls.source=rancher)
or to request Let’s Encrypt issued certificates (ingress.tls.source=letsEncrypt)
These instructions are adapted from the official cert-manager documentation.
Rancher to generated certificates
helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
--namespace cattle-system \
--set hostname=rancher.my.org
helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
--namespace cattle-system \
--set hostname=rancher.my.org \
--set ingress.tls.source=letsEncrypt \
--set letsEncrypt.email=me@example.org
helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
--namespace cattle-system \
--set hostname=rancher.my.org \
--set ingress.tls.source=secret
*If you are using a Private CA signed certificate , add --set privateCA=true to the command:`*
helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
--namespace cattle-system \
--set hostname=rancher.my.org \
--set ingress.tls.source=secret \
--set privateCA=true
After adding the secrets, check if Rancher was rolled out successfully:
kubectl -n cattle-system rollout status deploy/rancher
Waiting for deployment "rancher" rollout to finish: 0 of 3 updated replicas are available...
deployment "rancher" successfully rolled out
If you see the following error: error: deployment "rancher" exceeded its progress deadline
, you can check the status of the deployment by running the following command:
kubectl -n cattle-system get deploy rancher
rancher 3 3 3 3 3m
It should show the same count for DESIRED
Make sure you save the --set
options you used. You will need to use the same options when you upgrade Rancher to new versions with Helm.
That’s it. You should have a functional Rancher server.
In a web browser, go to the DNS name that forwards traffic to your load balancer. Then you should be greeted by the colorful login page.
Doesn’t work? Take a look at the Troubleshooting Page
All of these instructions are defined in detailed in the Rancher Documentation.
The full Helm Chart Options can be found here.
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
hostname |
" " | string - the Fully Qualified Domain Name for your Rancher Server |
ingress.tls.source |
"rancher" | string - Where to get the cert for the ingress. - "rancher, letsEncrypt, secret" |
letsEncrypt.email |
" " | string - Your email address |
letsEncrypt.environment |
"production" | string - Valid options: "staging, production" |
privateCA |
false | bool - Set to true if your cert is signed by a private CA |
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
additionalTrustedCAs |
false | bool - See Additional Trusted CAs Server |
addLocal |
"true" | string - As of Rancher v2.5.0 this flag is deprecated and must be set to "true" |
antiAffinity |
"preferred" | string - AntiAffinity rule for Rancher pods - "preferred, required" |
replicas |
3 | int - Number of replicas of Rancher pods |
auditLog.destination |
"sidecar" | string - Stream to sidecar container console or hostPath volume - "sidecar, hostPath" |
auditLog.hostPath |
"/var/log/rancher/audit" | string - log file destination on host (only applies when auditLog.destination is set to hostPath) |
auditLog.level |
0 | int - set the API Audit Log level. 0 is off. [0-3] |
auditLog.maxAge |
1 | int - maximum number of days to retain old audit log files (only applies when auditLog.destination is set to hostPath) |
auditLog.maxBackup |
1 | int - maximum number of audit log files to retain (only applies when auditLog.destination is set to hostPath) |
auditLog.maxSize |
100 | int - maximum size in megabytes of the audit log file before it gets rotated (only applies when auditLog.destination is set to hostPath) |
auditLog.image.repository |
"rancher/mirrored-bci-micro" | string - Location for the image used to collect audit logs Note: Available as of v2.7.0 |
auditLog.image.tag |
"" | string - Tag for the image used to collect audit logs Note: Available as of v2.7.0 |
auditLog.image.pullPolicy |
"IfNotPresent" | string - Override imagePullPolicy for auditLog images - "Always", "Never", "IfNotPresent" Note: Available as of v2.7.0 |
busyboxImage |
"" | string - Deprecated auditlog.image.repository should be used to control auditing sidecar image. Image location for busybox image used to collect audit logs Note: Available as of v2.2.0, and Deprecated as of v2.7.0 |
busyboxImagePullPolicy |
"IfNotPresent" | string - - Deprecated auditlog.image.pullPolicy should be used to control auditing sidecar image. Override imagePullPolicy for busybox images - "Always", "Never", "IfNotPresent" Deprecated as of v2.7.0 |
debug |
false | bool - set debug flag on rancher server |
certmanager.version |
" " | string - set cert-manager compatibility |
extraEnv |
[] | list - set additional environment variables for Rancher Note: Available as of v2.2.0 |
imagePullSecrets |
[] | list - list of names of Secret resource containing private registry credentials |
ingress.enabled |
true | bool - install ingress resource |
ingress.ingressClassName |
" " | string - class name of ingress if not set manually or by the ingress controller's defaults |
ingress.includeDefaultExtraAnnotations |
true | bool - Add default nginx annotations |
ingress.extraAnnotations |
{} | map - additional annotations to customize the ingress |
ingress.configurationSnippet |
" " | string - Add additional Nginx configuration. Can be used for proxy configuration. Note: Available as of v2.0.15, v2.1.10 and v2.2.4 |
letsEncrypt.ingress.class |
" " | string - optional ingress class for the cert-manager acmesolver ingress that responds to the Let’s Encrypt ACME challenges |
proxy |
" " | *string - HTTP[S] proxy server for Rancher |
noProxy |
",,,,.svc,.cluster.local" | string - comma separated list of hostnames or ip address not to use the proxy |
resources |
{} | map - rancher pod resource requests & limits |
rancherImage |
"rancher/rancher" | string - rancher image source |
rancherImageTag |
same as chart version | string - rancher/rancher image tag |
rancherImagePullPolicy |
"IfNotPresent" | string - Override imagePullPolicy for rancher server images - "Always", "Never", "IfNotPresent" |
tls |
"ingress" | string - See External TLS Termination for details. - "ingress, external" |
systemDefaultRegistry |
"" | string - private registry to be used for all system Docker images, e.g., [http://registry.example.com/] Available as of v2.3.0 |
useBundledSystemChart |
false | bool - select to use the system-charts packaged with Rancher server. This option is used for air gapped installations. Available as of v2.3.0 |
customLogos.enabled |
false | bool - Enabled Ember Rancher UI (cluster manager) custom logos and Vue Rancher UI (cluster explorer) custom logos persistence volume |
customLogos.volumeSubpaths.emberUi |
"ember" | string - Volume subpath for Ember Rancher UI (cluster manager) custom logos persistence |
customLogos.volumeSubpaths.vueUi |
"vue" | string - Volume subpath for Vue Rancher UI (cluster explorer) custom logos persistence |
customLogos.volumeName |
"" | string - Use an existing volume. Custom logos should be copied to the proper volume/subpath folder by the user. Optional for persistentVolumeClaim, required for configMap |
customLogos.storageClass |
"" | string - Set custom logos persistentVolumeClaim storage class. Required for dynamic pv |
customLogos.accessMode |
"ReadWriteOnce" | string - Set custom persistentVolumeClaim access mode |
customLogos.size |
"1Gi" | string - Set custom persistentVolumeClaim size |