faq.rst 2.0 KB

  1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  2. ================================
  3. Below are some frequently asked questions. Click on a question to be directed to
  4. relevant information in our documentation or our GitHub repo.
  5. General
  6. -------
  7. - :ref:`What is JupyterLab? <overview>`
  8. - :ref:`Is JupyterLab ready to use? <releases>`
  9. - :ref:`What will happen to the classic Jupyter Notebook? <releases>`
  10. - `Where is the official online documentation for
  11. JupyterLab? <https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io>`__
  12. - :ref:`How can you report a bug or issue? <issue>`
  13. Development
  14. -----------
  15. - `How can you
  16. contribute? <https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/blob/3.4.x/CONTRIBUTING.md>`__
  17. - :ref:`How can you extend or customize JupyterLab? <user_extensions>`
  18. - In the classic Notebook, `I could use custom Javascript outputted by a cell to programmatically
  19. control the Notebook <https://stackoverflow.com/a/32769976/907060>`__. Can I do the same thing in JupyterLab?
  20. JupyterLab was built to support a wide variety of extensibility, including dynamic behavior based on notebook
  21. outputs. To access this extensibility, you should write a custom JupyterLab extension. If you would
  22. like trigger some behavior in response to the user executing some code in a notebook, you can output a custom
  23. mimetype (:ref:`rendermime`). We currently don't allow access to the JupyterLab
  24. API from the Javascript renderer, because this would tie the kernel and the notebook output to JupyterLab
  25. and make it hard for other frontends to support it.
  26. If you have comments or suggestions on changes here, please comment on `this issue <https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/4623>`__.
  27. Tips and Tricks
  28. ---------------
  29. - How do I start JupyterLab with a clean workspace every time?
  30. Add ``'c.NotebookApp.default_url = '/lab?reset'`` to your ``jupyter_notebook_config.py``. See `How to create a jupyter_notebook_config.py <https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config.html>`__ for more information.